






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-6-30 14:26| 查看数: 1363| 评论数: 0|

As executives at GlaxoSmithKline PLC last year were reviewing an internal whistleblower's allegations of bribery in China, they received something else: a sex video of their top China executive in his home with a female companion, a person familiar with its contents said.

据一位知情人士称,在去年葛兰素史克(Glaxosmithkline plc)的高管们对指控该公司在中国行贿的一位内部告密者进行调查之际,他们还收到了别的东西:葛兰素史克前中国高管马克锐(Mark Reilly)在家中与一位女伴的性爱录像。

The British drug maker regarded the video--apparently shot without the executive's knowledge--as a breach of security, the person said.


The executive in the video, Mark Reilly, directed the company to hire a Shanghai-based private investigation firm run by a British national and his Chinese-born wife to investigate the breach, the person said.


Those investigators--former journalist Peter Humphrey and Yu Yingzeng, a naturalized U.S. citizen--subsequently were arrested by Chinese authorities last year and remain in custody. Official Chinese media said their investigative firm, ChinaWhys Co., had illegally gathered large amounts of personal information on Chinese citizens.

这两位私人调查员是曾当过记者的韩飞龙(Peter Humphrey)及其美籍华人妻子虞英曾(音)。二人随后于去年被中国政府逮捕,目前仍被拘留。据中国官方媒体称,这对夫妻开设的调查公司中慧(ChinaWhys Co.)非法获取了大量中国公民的个人信息。

Until this weekend's disclosure about the video, it wasn't clear whether ChinaWhys had been working for Glaxo when its owners were seized by authorities. The details of the video were reported by Britain's Sunday Times newspaper.

在韩飞龙和虞英曾被中国政府逮捕时,外界并不清楚中慧是否在为葛兰素史克提供服务,直至周末上述录像被披露时真相才水落石出。英国《星期日泰晤士报》(Sunday Times)最先报道了该录像的细节。

The disclosures add new details to a series of events that has shaken up the U.K. drug maker's operations in China and put the industry under a microscope.


Chinese law enforcement in May accused Mr. Reilly of ordering subordinates to commit bribery that generated billions of yuan in revenue for Glaxo's China operations. Authorities alleged that Mr. Reilly, a Briton, ordered his sales team and other employees to bribe hospital doctors, health-care organizations and other parties on 'a large scale' to boost drug sales in China.


Glaxo has said that some of its employees may have broken Chinese laws and that the company, including Mr. Reilly, were assisting the investigation.


Mr. Reilly couldn't be reached for comment and hasn't commented in the past. As of last month he was in China and hadn't been arrested or detained, a person familiar with his movements said. He remains a Glaxo employee, though the company appointed a new head of its China operations last year.


Regarding the husband-wife investigative firm, Glaxo had declined to say whether they working for Glaxo, though people familiar ChinaWhys had said it had done work for Glaxo in the past. Ms. Yu and Mr. Humphrey were detained in July, days after Chinese authorities first accused Glaxo of bribery. They were formally arrested in August.


The couple couldn't be reached for comment. China Central Television in August broadcast footage of the couple in which Mr. Humphrey said they used 'used illegal means to obtain personal information.' The circumstances under which he made the statement couldn't be determined.


Family members of the couple last year said the two were suspected of breaking Chinese laws related to purchasing information that was considered personal.


ChinaWhys described itself as 'a professional services consultancy that specials in discreet risk-mitigation solutions, consulting and investigation services to corporate clients in matters of high sensitivity across Greater China and the Asia Pacific.'


It isn't clear whether the arrests of Ms. Yu and Mr. Humphrey are connected with Chinese authorities' bribery allegations against Glaxo, nor whether the revelation of the video would affect the bribery case. Chinese authorities have shown an increasing emphasis on protecting the privacy of Chinese citizens.


Before receiving the email containing the video of Mr. Reilly, Glaxo was investigating alleged corruption at its China division. An anonymous person in January of last year had presented the company with allegations that between 2004 and 2010 sales staff provided doctors with speaking fees, cash payments, dinners and expense-paid trips in return for prescribing the drug company's products. The allegations sparked an internal probe, Glaxo said.


It isn't clear why the video was sent to Glaxo executives, nor who shot it. At the time the video was shot, Mr. Reilly was separated from his wife, the person familiar with the video's contents said.



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