






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-7-7 13:56| 查看数: 730| 评论数: 0|

Darren Porter is standing in the sunshine by the docks at the Portsmouth Naval Base, on the south coast of England. The electricity generator is humming loudly. There is a mess of yellow and blue cables on the ground, a cabin with gadgets and a video screen inside it. The scene is a mixture of high-tech and heavy-duty equipment. Mr Porter offers to turn the generator off, having already boiled the kettle.

达伦•波特(Darren Porter)正顶着阳光,站在位于英格兰南部海岸的朴茨茅斯海军基地(Portsmouth Naval Base)码头边。发电机正在发出响亮的轰鸣声。周围的地面上有一团黄蓝交缠的电缆,还有一间小屋,屋里有一些小工具和一面显示屏。整个场景中混杂了高科技和重型设备。波特受命要去关掉发电机,因为它已经热得沸腾起来了。

He is a professional diver, monitoring and repairing ships and shipyards for BAE Systems, which manages the Portsmouth Naval Base estate on behalf of the Royal Navy. Two teams of five oversee the entire base, which at any one time might contain frigates, destroyers, mine countermeasure vessels, and a Falkland Islands patrol ship.

波特是一名职业潜水员,负责为BAE系统公司(BAE Systems)监控和维修船只以及船坞,该公司目前代表英国皇家海军(Royal Navy)管理朴茨茅斯海军基地的物业。两个五人团队负责巡视整个基地,在任何一个时点,基地中都可能停有护卫舰、驱逐舰、水雷反制舰以及一艘福克兰群岛(Falkland Islands)巡逻舰。

The 48-year-old, who is from Portsmouth, a city dominated by the naval port, began exploring the sea at the age of 11, at first snorkelling after his uncle suffered a back injury and passed on his wetsuit.


The first time he went out, the visibility was “crystal clear”. Typically, on the south coast, he says, you can see for 6ft. But on that day visibility was 15ft. “You could see everything and it was amazing. That got me hooked.”


He first went out to wrecks, before diving for scallops, shellfish and lobsters.


The Porter family were either in construction or car sales. In their spare time his father, brother and uncles used to go scuba diving and water skiing. After leaving school Mr Porter moved into building work, which took him to Germany.


Having been in the building trade for 15 years he had had enough and decided to turn his hobby into a profession. Using his savings he paid for an advanced training course, which in 1998 cost £5,000 – today it is nearer £15,000.


The industry, he says, can be quite difficult to break into. Many give up – “maybe it wasn’t in their heart to keep trying”, he reflects. But if you want to break into it badly enough, “you’ll peg away and someone, somewhere will give you a break”.


Professional divers work in a range of fields, including civil engineering projects involving bridges, tunnels, dams and pipelines.


A yellow metal diving helmet rests on the ground alongside a jacket. The helmet weighs 8kg, the jacket 25kg. This equipment makes him neutrally buoyant in the water, meaning he neither sinks nor rises. But on a warm day like today, the gear can make him hot very quickly on land.


He talks of “the buzz of being neutrally buoyant and the excitement of seeing something you haven’t seen before – it’s a whole new world underwater, inner space”.


A typical day starts at 7.30am and finishes at 5pm, including paperwork. In the winter, time in the water can be limited to 45 minutes: “You start shivering.” In the summer, they can dive for up to four hours.


There is only one diver in at a time. The other is on standby in case he has to rescue his colleague. The danger comes from the tides or a boat engine being started accidentally. Mr Porter feels more at risk, however, in a small car on a motorway than diving.


The industry has become a lot safer, he says. “There used to be a lot of ‘yahoo-ness’. The cowboy outfits have gone and the offshore industry has [made a big push] on safety standards.” The only work-related accident Mr Porter has had is when he broke his wrist falling over a jetty.


There is a sense of escapism from the day-to-day ordinary life. He loves the feeling of weightlessness and being so focused on his breath. “It’s very peaceful and tranquil. When the sun is high and it’s clear, it’s dazzling and pretty. Then the next day after a storm it’s not the same place. It seems a completely different world.”


This world can be mesmerising. When Mr Porter, who is naturally reticent, gets on to the beauty of being underwater, he comes to life. “It’s the equivalent of being up early or staying out late seeing the sunrise and sunset, those peaceful moments.”


Being in the sea can be meditative. “You’re aware of your own breathing and the sound of the bubbles.” Although, on one occasion the other diving team were working on a ship and the noise travelling through the water was so loud it vibrated through him. “I had to get out of the water because I was like a tuning fork.”


It is a secret world, he says. “You see spring and autumn underwater. You see everything grow. Different species come and go, spawn, the lobsters appear. Then it all goes in the winter and you see the season change underwater.”


In winter the choppy water and overcast skies lead to zero visibility – which means seeing less than a metre ahead. Everything is done by touch. “Over the years you acquire a knowledge. A sixth sense kicks in and sometimes it’s easier to close your eyes than try and see. The sensitivity in your fingers means you can understand what’s going on.”


Every year his team are put through a medical to test their fitness: their ability at step-ups and cycling are monitored.


He feels lucky to find such an enduring job in his home town. Most professional divers are lured abroad to work offshore on oil rigs. There the job requires underwater welding and construction on submerged structures and pipelines.


Robots, Mr Porter believes, will not replace humans in the near future. The ROVs – remotely operated underwater vehicles – that he works with are too clunky compared to a human hand. If Mr Porter or his colleagues become tangled underwater they can free themselves. If the ROV gets tangled, it needs rescuing by the divers.

波特不认为机器人将在在不久的将来取代人类。与人类的手相比,和他一起作业的遥控潜水器(Remotely operated underwater vehicle,简称ROV)显得过于笨拙。如果波特或者他的同事在水下被缠绕住,他们可以自己摆脱出来。但如果ROV被缠绕住了,则需要潜水员的救援。

Mark Corp, the team’s supervisor, believes a good diver is someone who is alert, follows instructions and can give a good running commentary. “Some people go [underwater] and say ‘there’s a lot of old seaweed’.”

潜水队的主管马克•科尔普(Mark Corp)认为,优秀的潜水员需要满足几个条件:机警、听从指挥、并且能够对水下的情况做出有用的解说。“有些人在(潜入水下)以后会说,‘这里有好多年头不短的海草啊’。”

Instead he wants divers to describe the marine growth, whether it was hard or soft, barnacles or seaweed. This is all piped back to the person overseeing operations in a cabin. From there they can monitor a large video screen that relays footage from a camera fixed on the diver’s helmet.


The diving teams at BAE are exclusively male. While Mr Corp says there are women in the industry, here the banter is laddish. “The trouble is you’ve got to get undressed in front of blokes,” he explains, before grinning: “It wouldn’t bother me.”



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