






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-7-9 15:08| 查看数: 1125| 评论数: 0|

Everybody loves to boo and hiss a corporate villain; especially amid scandal. Five years ago the hunt was on for baddies in banking. Then when BP caused a terrible oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, there was more hand-wringing – and a search for villains.


Now, the chase is on again, this time at General Motors. Last week Anton Valukas, a former federal prosecutor, released a 315-page report on the carmaker’s scandalous failure to withdraw faulty ignition switches from several of its models, even though some employees knew about the technical problems for a decade.

如今,人们又开始竖靶子了,这一次是通用汽车(GM)。这家汽车制造商未能及时召回几款车型的故障点火开关,尽管一些员工早在10年前就知晓了这些技术问题。最近,前联邦检察官安东•沃卢克斯(Anton Valukas)就通用汽车这一不光彩的失误发表了一篇长达315页的报告。

Before the report emerged, some observers expected that Mr Valukas would reveal dastardly villains. After all, it was claimed, it was hard to imagine that corporate mistakes on this scale could have occurred for so long – and caused many needless deaths – without deliberate malfeasance.


Mr Valukas, however, blamed events not on an evil plot, but on the “silos” created by GM’s profoundly fragmented structure. The group’s culture and organisational matrix was so dysfunctional, he said, that employees failed to pass crucial information to each other or take responsibility for flaws. “GM personnel’s inability to address the ignition switch problem for over 11 years is a history of failures,” observed Mr Valukas.


That will be of little comfort to the families of the deceased; it is also unlikely to appease politicians calling for GM to be punished. But if Mr Valukas is correct – and nobody has yet proved otherwise – his report makes disturbing reading for the corporate world beyond Detroit.


GM is certainly not the only large company cursed by silos. Numerous institutions are marked by internal fragmentation, leading to tribalism and tunnel vision. A look at recent corporate scandals reveals repeated examples.


Take BP. When investigators dug into the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill, they discovered that technical experts involved in day-to-day operations had known about the problems besetting deep-sea drilling for years. Yet no one acted. The specialist rig engineers had little direct contact with the “safety specialists”, who were supposed to control risks; they sat in different organisational silos, in much the same way that GM lawyers (who monitored accidents) were from the engineers (who built the cars).


Or look at finance. When massive losses erupted at companies such as AIG, Merrill Lynch, Citigroup and UBS, many blamed greed or deliberate deception. That was sometimes true. However, another crucial problem was that financial groups were so fragmented that it was almost impossible for managers, regulators and employees to connect the dots – and see risks.

或者看看金融业。当美国国际集团(AIG)、美林(Merrill Lynch)、花旗集团(Citigroup)和瑞银(UBS)等公司出现巨额亏损时,很多人将其归咎于贪婪或故意的欺骗。有时这是正确的。然而,另一个关键的问题是金融机构内部严格分立,管理者、监管机构和员工几乎无法统观全局并发现风险。

A 2010 report by UBS into the $19bn it lost during the financial crisis offers fascinating parallels with GM. At the Swiss banking giant, the silos were so entrenched that nobody knew the full scale of its exposure to subprime securities; at GM, the organisation was so fragmented that, Mr Valukas notes, there was a “failure to understand, quite simply, how the car was built”. At both organisations, risks were missed for years because they were misclassified at an early stage.


Thankfully there is some good(ish) news. At GM, senior managers have finally recognised the problem. “We need to make sure that we break down those organisation silos,” Mary Barra, chief executive, told staff last week. Elsewhere there are also plenty of ideas about how to break down barriers – some of which are even being implemented.

庆幸的是,还有一些还算不错的消息。在通用汽车,高层管理人员最终意识到了这个问题。该公司首席执行官玛丽•博拉(Mary Barra)最近告诉员工:“我们需要确保打破这些组织‘竖井’。”在其他公司,也提出了很多如何打破障碍的想法,其中一些甚至已进入实施。

Unilever recently launched a social media platform to enable employees to swap ideas and sound alarm bells.


Facebook is working to prevent its specialist engineering teams from becoming introverted by forcing staff to interact with colleagues elsewhere.


Syngenta, an agribusiness giant, is trying to encourage more lateral thinking by moving from a system of dividing business units into silos created by its scientists – “seeds”, “pesticides”, fungicides” and so on – into one where teams are also organised around consumer labels, such as “wheat” or “corn”.


Yet, the truth remains that really breaking down silos is very hard; particularly at companies as large and rich in deeply entrenched traditions as GM. Ms Barra faces a very tough challenge – one that is much harder than “just” finding a few villains.



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