





超强台风“浣熊”来袭 日本严阵以待

发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-7-9 15:14| 查看数: 758| 评论数: 1|

A large and powerful typhoon was heading northwest toward Japan's southern islands Monday, the Japan Meteorological Agency said, warning of heavy rains, landslides and floods.

日本气象厅(Japan Meteorological Agency)称,一个超强大型台风周一正向西北方向,朝日本南部岛屿移动。气象厅警告称预计将有强降雨、山体滑坡和洪水出现。

As of Monday afternoon, Typhoon Neoguri was moving up the Pacific Ocean toward Okinawa at a speed of 25 kilometers an hour (16 miles an hour) with winds of up to 180 kph and gusts as strong as 252 kph, the agency said.


'It would be one of the largest typhoons to hit Japan in July,' said Satoshi Ebihara, the head of the agency's weather forecast division, at a news conference.

日本气象厅天气预报部门的负责人Satoshi Ebihara在新闻发布会上称,这可能是7月份日本遭遇的最强台风之一。

The season's eighth typhoon is expected to approach Okinawa's Miyako Island with full force by Tuesday morning with gusts of up to 270 kph. With the typhoon's center expected to sweep the western edge of Okinawa, the agency said it is considering issuing a special warning to the prefecture later Monday.


'We issue special warnings when we anticipate immense damage of a scale only seen every few decades,' said an agency official.


It would be the first time for the agency to issues a special warning for a typhoon since the current warning system was introduced last August.


Okinawa is home to a large U.S. military presence, and is frequently in the path of typhoons. The agency said the island's infrastructure was generally more resilient to storms compared with other areas in Japan.


To respond to the typhoon, State minister in charge of disaster management Keiji Furuya canceled a trip to the U.S. that was to begin Tuesday. The crisis management center at the prime minister's office also set up a special office to share information among ministries.

为了应对台风,日本负责防灾的担当大臣古屋圭司(Keiji Furuya)取消了原定于周二开始的访美之行。日本首相办公室的危机管理中心也设立了一个在政府部长间共享信息的特别办公室。

'I ask citizens to pay careful attention to the latest weather information and typhoon warnings,' the government's main spokesman, Yoshihide Suga, told reporters Monday, urging people to prepare to evacuate if necessary.

日本内阁官房长官菅义伟(Yoshihide Suga)周一对记者们说,他请求民众密切注意最新的气象信息和台风警报。他敦促民众在必要的情况下疏散。

After passing Okinawa, the typhoon is expected to turn eastward Wednesday morning toward Kagoshima on Japan's southernmost main island of Kyushu, bringing heavy rains and winds. Kyushu has already been pummeled by rain since Sunday, prompting the meteorological agency to issue landslide warnings in some areas.


The U.S. Joint Typhoon Warning Center has designated Neoguri a 'supertyphoon,' a category it uses for typhoons with winds over 240 kph.

美国联合台风预警中心(U.S. Joint Typhoon Warning Center)已经将“浣熊”定为“超强台风”,即风速超过每小时240公里的台风。


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