






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-7-14 14:05| 查看数: 666| 评论数: 0|

What a difference a year can make in relations between neighbors.
A new survey conducted in Japan and South Korea showed that public sentiment toward each other deteriorated sharply over the past year as the two countries -- both led by outspoken, nationalistic leaders -- sparred over wartime history and a disputed island.
According to the two research groups that organized the poll -- Genron NPO in Japan and East Asia Institute in South Korea -- the percentage of Japanese respondents who said they had a 'negative impression' of South Korea surged to 54.4% from 37.3% in last year's survey. Those who had a 'positive impression' of South Korea fell to 20.56% from 31.1%.
据组织该调查的研究机构日本Genron NPO和韩国东亚研究院(East Asia Institute)称,调查显示,54.4%的日本受访者表示对韩国印象不好,比例远高于去年调查中的37.3%。20.56%的日本受访者表示对韩国印象不错,这一比例低于去年调查中的31.1%。
In South Korea, 46.3% of respondents said Japan poses a 'military threat' to their country, higher than the 39.6% who saw China as a threat. Over three-quarters of the Koreans said they had a bad impression of Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe. Overall, 70.9% in Korea held a negative views toward Japan, compared with 76.6% in 2013.
调查显示,46.3%的韩国受访者表示日本对韩国构成军事威胁,同时,有39.6%的韩国受访者认为中国对韩国构成威胁。超过四分之三的韩国受访者表示,对日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)印象糟糕。总体上,有70.9%的韩国受访者对日本持负面看法,2013年调查中的比例为76.6%。
Over a half in South Korea described Japan as a 'militaristic' nation, while nearly half in Japan labeled Korea a 'nationalistic' society.
The stark results jibe with the rocky relations between the two countries over the past few years. Even as Washington prodded its two East Asian allies to get along, Tokyo and Seoul have fought bitterly over so-called 'history issues,' including the treatment of wartime sex slaves and visits by Japanese leaders to a contentious Tokyo shrine that honors convicted war criminals. Since they took office over a year and a half ago, Mr. Abe and South Korean President Park Geun-hye haven't been able to sit down together for a summit meeting.
这一调查结果与过去几年两国脆弱的关系相一致。尽管美国敦促这两个东亚盟国友好相处,但日韩在所谓的“历史问题”上争执激烈,包括战时慰安妇的安置,日本领导人参拜供奉战犯的神社。日本首相安倍晋三和韩国总统朴槿惠(Park Geun-hye)上任已超过一年半,但他们从未举行过高峰会谈。
The respondents from both countries blamed their diplomats. In Japan, 54.8% said diplomatic ties between the two governments weren't functioning well, while 38.5% in Korea gave the same assessment. Well over three-quarters in both nations said the two leaders should have a summit meeting, although in Korea, a majority said its government shouldn't rush into such a meeting.
The survey shed light on a big gap in the ways the two sides view the difficulties between them. Asked why they held negative feelings toward the other nation, 73.9% in Japan pointed to South Korea's 'persistent criticism' over history issues. In Korea, 76.8% felt the Japanese lacked 'correct repentance' for its invasion and colonization of the Korean Peninsula.
All is not lost in the relationship, however. Despite the animosities, many respondents from both nations were eager to visit each other's country, with 60.9% of Koreans and 41.6% of Japanese expressing such desires.
The research groups gathered roughly 1,000 written responses each in Japan and South Korea for the survey, which was conducted in June.


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