






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-7-16 13:52| 查看数: 805| 评论数: 0|

BERLIN —Even normally quiet streets were electrified early Monday by Germany’s dramatic 1-0 win of the World Cup in extra time, a victory that symbolized, at least to fans, not just the country’s dominance of Europe, but its global prominence. Car horns and vuvuzelas honked, and fireworks and firecrackers exploded.
On the Kurfuerstendamm, the gleaming street of stores and restaurants that was the symbol of West Berlin during the Cold War, cars quickly jammed traffic and fans draped themselves in the black, red and gold of the German flag.
“I am the happiest man alive,” said Jacob Vogely, 25, who was just a baby when the Berlin Wall fell and produced similar jams in probably the greatest party this city has ever seen.
“我是最快乐的人,”25岁的雅各布·沃格理(Jacob Vogely)说,柏林墙倒塌时,他还是个婴儿,在那次也许是这座城市有史以来最大的一次盛会中,也发生了类似的交通阻塞。
Sam Schöneberg, also 25, called the final a “heart attack,” given the six or seven minutes the whole country seemed to hold its breath after Mario Götze scored the decisive goal.
同是25岁的山姆·舍讷贝格(Sam Schöneberg)把决赛称为一次“心脏病发作”,因为在马里奥·格策(Mario Götze)射出了决定性的进球后,整个国家似乎屏住呼吸达6、7分钟。
Mr. Götze had not even been born the last time Germany won the World Cup, in 1990, beating Argentina then, too.
That victory came to symbolize the unification of Germany; this one, ardent fans said early Monday, will usher in an era of further prosperity for Europe’s economic powerhouse.
“I’m not going to be able to get rid of this grin,” said Christoph Nitsche, 29, an industrial mechanic, as he stood outside a tapas bar in Frankfurt that, like almost all restaurants and bars across the country, had set up a large-screen television outside. “Now we’re free.”
“我真是放不下我的笑脸,”29岁的工业机械师克里斯托弗·尼切(Christoph Nitsche)说,他正站在法兰克福的一家小吃店外,和全国各地的餐馆和酒吧一样,这家小吃店在店外设置了一台大屏幕电视机。“现在我们自由了。”
Asked if the victory had any larger consequences for Germany, Mr. Nitsche took a drag on a cigarette, thought for a moment, and said: “There’s going to be an economic upswing. People are in a good mood.”
That mood was reflected in the evident joy with which the country’s president, Joachim Gauck, and the normally restrained chancellor, Angela Merkel, embraced each player in Rio de Janeiro as they received their victors’ medals.
好心情在德国总统约阿希姆·高克(Joachim Gauck)和通常矜持的总理安格拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)身上也有表现,他们以显而易见的喜悦拥抱了在里约热内卢接受奖牌的每一位队员。
The German victory could easily be seen as emblematic of the country’s economic and political pre-eminence in Europe and its economic comeback of the last decade. In 1990, the nation was embarking on a long, costly odyssey of reunification.
In 2002, when the German team finished second, the country was still seen as the sick man of Europe, too set in its ways in a world that demanded innovation.
But Germany proved it could change.
The rebound of the German economy came after a national overhaul that reduced barriers to hiring and firing and obstacles for entrepreneurs.
At the same time, a revitalization of the German youth soccer development program helped produce the team that beat Argentina on Sunday night.
By contrast, the biggest losers in Brazil included European countries that have struggled to revive their own economies, as Germany did.
This German team reflected a society that has become more diverse and tolerant, albeit with limits.
This squad was much more ethnically diverse than the all-white 1990 champions. The German team in Brazil included defender Jérome Boateng, with roots in Ghana, and Sami Khedira, whose father was Tunisian.
这次的球队比1990年赢得世界杯的全白人球队有更高的民族多样性。出战巴西的德国队包括后卫杰罗姆·博阿滕(Jérome Boateng)和萨米·赫迪拉(Sami Khedira),博阿滕祖籍加纳,赫迪拉的父亲是突尼斯人。
Speaking above the crackle of fireworks, José Nunez, praised the team’s victory. “They earned it,” said Mr. Nunez, 31, a house painter who said he was of Spanish descent but born in Frankfurt. “They played the best football.”
何塞·努涅斯(José Nunez)大声称赞了球队的胜利,他以试图压过爆竹噼啪响的声音说,“这场胜利是他们应得的,”努涅斯说,他靠刷房子谋生,并说自己是在法兰克福出生的西班牙人后裔。“他们踢出了最好的足球。”
But Mr. Nunez said it was important to keep the World Cup in perspective in light of more serious world events.
Referring to the fighting in Gaza, he said, “You can’t forget that people are dying.”


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