






发布者: KK | 发布时间: 2014-7-26 11:54| 查看数: 1027| 评论数: 0|


1. 矮油~ 偶滴神啊!这肿么可能呢?

That’s impossible.

有一句名言叫做“站在台风口,猪都能飞上天”。 这个世界上只有你想不到的,没有你做不到的。要是碰上点儿困难就怕怕,你还指望自己能多有成就呢?别让“不可能”的念头霸占了你潜力无限的大脑。换个角度看问题,你总有解决的办法!

Claiming that something is impossible when it totally is possible is just limiting your own potential for success. You actually can do anything you put your mind to, with enough determination and effort.

2. 谁也别搀和,偶一个人就能搞定!

I can do it all by myself.


You can do anything you set your mind to, but sometimes, you need the help of others. Teamwork is essential with certain tasks; or, sometimes, you just need the support of others to help you achieve. Only unsuccessful people think they can do everything all by themselves 100% of the time.

3. 这种好事压根儿和我没关系。

That won’t happen to me.


Only unsuccessful people say this, because it’s a phrase that rationalizes letting go of your dreams and goals. One person will get that job. Why not you?

4. 瞅瞅人家……

He/she is so ahead of me in life.


Successful people know that this doesn’t have to do with their self worth. Rather, it’s about what stage they’re in during life. Successful people just use those ahead of them as inspiration keep on going — not as a point of comparison.

5. 这个我不行……

I have a problem with that.


Sometimes, roadblocks will come; a member of your team will need a few days to rest, or a business you’re working with will take longer than you expected to complete a task. Though it’s important to stand up for yourself, it’s also important to be flexible. Getting angry when things don’t go exactly to plan just drains you and the people you’re working with.

6. 要注重细节!

Don’t forget the details.


When a concept feels bigger than life itself, and you’re concerned about all of the little details, it will seem overwhelming to your teammates — and you’ll just be seen as nit-picky. Details are important, but they’ll come in time. Keep everything in perspective, and remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day.

7. 你肯定是搞错了嘛~

You must be wrong about that.


This is a statement successful people always try to avoid. It’s not only dismissing somebody’s point of view, but doing so immediately, without even looking into the problem. You know what they say about assuming! A better response would be, “I’ll look into it — thanks for telling me.”

8. 偶都没有时间玩耍……

There’s no time for me to relax.


Life might seem busy, but successful people know that it’s essential to allow yourself time to wind down with an activity that has nothing to do with your goals. It’s important to recharge and let your mind relax every now and then so you don’t burn out.

9. 这太不公平了!

It’s not fair.


It’s not about what’s fair and what’s not. And successful people know that sometimes, things don’t work out the way you think they will. But they move on and keep trying, while the unsuccessful plop down and pout. Everybody fails. But you’re only truly failing if you don’t get back up and try again.


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