






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-8-7 15:01| 查看数: 864| 评论数: 0|

Already beset by aftershocks, incessant rain and mudslides, relief efforts in China's quake-stricken Yunnan province have run into another impediment: a flood of do-gooders champing at the bit to help.
Authorities in northern Yunnan's Ludian county temporarily closed down access to the quake zone Tuesday morning because traffic from volunteers pouring in had made the already damaged access road all but impassable. Yuan Yao, an local official involved in directing the volunteer effort, said traffic was backed up for several kilometers.
'It's packed with people. They're having a hard time trucking in relief supplies and trucking out the injured,' she said.
The closing of the quake zone meant the county seat was crawling with clusters of volunteers desperate for something to do. Regular citizens from other parts of Yunnan, Beijing, the Sichuan province capital of Chengdu and other places -- many decked out in self-designed uniforms with the names of their volunteer groups emblazoned across the back -- sat crouched on sidewalks or milled around hotel lobbies, trading rumors about when the road would reopen and going over strategies for when it did.
One such group from northern China's Hebei province was led by Wang Wenzhong, a wealthy entrepreneur and ex-soldier who has taken volunteer teams to six quake zones over the past six years. Mr. Wang, who says he was recently named one of the 'Ten Great Moral Models' in his home county of Zaoqiang, organized and outfitted a team of 10 volunteers, spending around 30,000 yuan ($4,860) on rescue equipment and relief supplies.
'These days, a lot of people only worry about accumulating money and seeking personal benefits. They have more than they can spend, but they still don't think to do something for society,' he said during a five-hour middle-of-the-night van ride to Ludian from the Kunming, Yunnan's capital. 'This is my way of thanking society and the government.'
Mr. Wang was among the hordes of volunteers who descended on Sichuan province in 2008, when a 7.9 quake flattened the area around Wenchuan and killed some 87,000 people. The explosion of volunteerism was hailed as a watershed moment for civil society in China, a country where civic duty and social responsibility have long taken a back seat to personal achievement and the accumulation of wealth.
But the 2008 effort was also criticized for being rash and disorganized and in some cases hurting relief efforts by gumming up roads and burdening food supplies.
'Some people rush in and have no idea what the situation is. If you're going to go you have to think first about what you can do,' Mr. Wang said. 'That's where my army experience comes in. Everyone on this team knows how to follow orders. And just like the People's Liberation Army, we're never a burden on the people. We don't eat their food or drink their water.'
The Hebei group did indeed mimic the PLA. The entire group was outfitted with identical uniforms -- military fatigues, canvas shoes and red armbands -- and younger members described themselves as 'new soldiers.' Appropriately, Mr. Wang runs the group like a battalion, collecting intelligence from contacts with state-run media and local government.
The Hebei team leader credits Wenchuan with teaching him the value of prior planning, but not all the volunteer groups in Ludian on Tuesday were so organized or professional. While Mr. Wang's crew waited patiently for the go-ahead to enter the quake zone on Monday morning, another group of un-uniformed youth from various parts of Yunnan was loitering outside the county government offices trying to hitch a ride.
'They aren't letting people in,' Li Wenwei, a volunteer from Kunming, said in a brief exchange with China Real Time. 'Maybe we can go with you?'
It wasn't immediately clear Monday morning how many volunteers had converged on Ludian with the hope of helping. 'I don't know. A lot. A lot,' said Ms. Yuan.


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