






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-8-15 14:35| 查看数: 1030| 评论数: 0|

“No great genius has ever existed without a touch of madness,” said Aristotle, and it is a point worth making that mental illness should not be regarded only as a problem. Indeed, our working lives would be much less rich and in­teresting without the varied talents that people with mental health problems bring to work.
Even psychopaths, it seems, can utilise their charm and manipulation to great effect. Narcissistic managers are good at driving a business forward, whereas paranoid personalities might notice pot­ential threats. As Mary-Clare Race and Adrian Furnham, both psychologists, right­ly suggest in Mental Illness at Work, “it is where the disorder is very strong that problems arise”.
就连精神变态者似乎也能将自己的魅力和操纵本事用到好的地方。自恋型人格的经理善于带动业务,而偏执型人格的人可能注意到潜在威胁。正如两位心理学家,玛丽-克莱尔•雷斯(Mary-Clare Race)和阿德里安•富尔汉姆(Adrian Furnham)在他们合著的《工作场所的精神疾病》(Mental Illness at Work)中正确提出的,“精神障碍非常严重时才会出现问题”。
For too long, organisations have denied the presence of mental illness at work and as a result business has suffered – morale, productivity, attendance and staff retention are all affected. This denial also contributes to a climate in which those who suffer from mental illnesses dare not reveal themselves for fear of damaging their career.
One would have then to ap­plaud any attempt at de­mystifying this highly stigmatised issue, and this book is a laudable at­tempt. It aims to make managers more mental health-literate, and succeeds in offering a comprehensive and well research­ed manual for understanding, recognising and resp­onding to mental illnesses at work, including the ones most prevalent: dep­ression, anxiety, burnout and addictions.
Mental Illness at Work is dense in content, and packed with practical information. To help people returning to work, for example, the authors suggest “a change in workload or an introduction of a more flexible working pattern”. Breaking their work up into small tasks to avoid feeling overwhelmed is also recommended.
However, the book lacks imagination. It would benefit from more stories from working life and personal case studies that would bring many of the good points it offers to life.
Extensive listing of diagnostic categories and res­earch res­ults, sometimes dated – one reported study on alcohol-related illnesses was in 1977 – are un­necessary as an initial guide to mental health. Do we really need to know 11 cate­gories of personality disorder?
People are more than their symptoms and they do not fit neatly into diagnostic categories as the book im­plies, which risks re­ducing them to observable behaviours and misses the overall context of their lives. Labels too often lead to preconceptions of what a person can or cannot do and risks ignoring their skills.
Executives are not ex­pected to be psychiatrists, but with one in four people in the UK experiencing a mental health problem each year, they need to be aware of how it affects their employees and, conversely, their business. Managers primarily need to distinguish bet­ween normal anxiety and extreme illness, and to be able to anticipate the severity and length of an illness.
The book right­ly des­cribes the part org­anisations can play in making people ill, and how a powerful but disturbed leader’s pathology can de­termine the psychological culture of the company.
The authors suggest managers ask themselves two questions: “Is my organisation a toxic one that attracts and breeds certain behaviours? And secondly, does my style of management create a set of conditions that could cause people to develop problems.”
Books such as these, alongside training and schemes to support people with mental health problems, can only help. Meanwhile, if you are concerned about a colleague or subordinate, ask them how they are and how you can help. There is no substitute for talking.


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