






发布者: kathy | 发布时间: 2014-8-16 21:23| 查看数: 1690| 评论数: 0|



1. 开始少说话多倾听了。

You listen more and talk less



When we realize as human beings we are built to hear more (because we have two ears) and speak less (we have one mouth/tongue); we gain more information and whatever we speak will be based on substantial reasoning. This will provide a glimpse of a thinking individual to the audience. Thus you shall be perceived more seriously, and in turn this will add to your confidence.

2. 不再害怕承担责任了。

You do not shy away from responsibilities



As individuals we play a variety of roles in our societal set up. Be it for our family, our community, our friends, our country or for the human race in general. Additionally, we, being the highly successful species on Earth, should also be responsible for other species of this planet, as well as for sustaining the planet for future life forms. When you think in these terms, you behave in a more responsible manner.

3. 与别人意见相左时,更加理智淡定了。

You are less argumentative and more accommodating



Quite often, when things are normal, the other person with whom there was an argument may realize your point of view, or it is also possible you understand his/her perspective better. For, just because someone is not agreeing to you, does not mean he/she is wrong. By arguing less, you are providing the required space and prestige to others, and at the same time you are buying more time for yourself to look at the other’s argument from another angle.

4. 不再执着地偏好某个季节,而是顺其自然。

You enjoy each season



Most of us have a likening for either summer or winter or spring or rains. That’s fine. But there is no need to get irritated whenever your favorite season has been replaced by another one. There is a cycle of seasons and life forms adapt to that. No one can control seasonal cycles and no one should control them. So if you are enjoying changes in season, however abrupt they might seem, you have grown into a matured individual.

5. 即使生活总是让你措手不及,也始终面带微笑。

You wear a smile on your face



Life is a topsy-turvy event. It doesn’t matter how hard scientists/researchers try to predict it, it remains unpredictable. You plan for today in the morning, and by the afternoon you have to modify it to accommodate something unplanned. Whatever the situation may be, wearing a smile has a positive impact on your body and mind. So, if you are being found mostly with a smile, you should consider this as a sign of getting matured.

6. 变得更喜欢小朋友了,也愿意跟奶奶辈们交流。

You love children and elders



Most of us like to hangout with friends. Most of these friends are of the same age group. However, if you like to spend time with children and older people, you should consider yourself a mature individual. Quite often, spending time with people who are not in your age bracket helps you visualize life in an entirely different manner. These moments, later on, shall be counted in your experiences.

7. 关于钱:存的多,花的少。

You save more than what you expend



This one does not need any detail explanation. Saving more than the expenditures will itself lend credibility to your maturity status.

8. 开始享受读书的乐趣。

You indulge more in reading



To be updated is of utmost priority in today’s knowledge-driven society. And probably one of the best ways to get informed is to read. If you are spending more time reading, this indicates you are serious about your business which is a sign of maturity.

9. 开始懂得要对自己好一点。

You take care of yourself as well as others.



In the run of life, you may give less importance to yourself relative to your family members. However, you must realize you are no less significant. Therefore, you must take out time for yourself, and take care of your body and mind. This will, in turn lead to better performance in your duties which will render you as a responsible and matured person.

10. 你开始寻找成熟的迹象。

You seek the signs of maturity



You’re reading this article; this action itself shows you are serious about being considered mature. You now seem to shoulder your responsibilities and want to know the meaning of your existence. Therefore, you are looking for things you should know/do in order to become a responsible and mature citizen.


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