






发布者: Mia2011 | 发布时间: 2014-8-20 00:32| 查看数: 984| 评论数: 0|



Lately it seems that every thing we do or eat causes cancer - or cures it. Everyone in the cancer community has an opinion, and it can be difficult to sift the fact from the fiction. 近来,我们做的事情或吃的东西似乎都与癌症息息相关,或者能够诱发癌症,或者能够治愈它。癌症社区的每个人都有自己的看法,但是很难从人们的言论中筛选出事实真相。

1、除臭剂? One of the more prevalent claims is that deodorants, antipersperants cause cancer. A 2002 study by Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle found there to be no link between the use of these products and cancer.一种很流行的说法是除臭剂和止汗剂会导致癌症。2002年,西雅图一项由Fred Hutchinson癌症调查中心进行的研究表明:这类产品的使用和癌症之间没有关联。 2、烧烤? Willing to cut out BBQ forever for fear of developing cancer? Don't give away your grill just yet. While charred meat contains substances found to cause mutation in rodents, the levels necessary to cause cancer in humans would require outrageously high amount of bbq that no one would normally eat. To cut down your risk the National Cancer Institute advises you don't char your food, or if you do, cut those bits off.恐惧患癌症,所以宁可永远不吃BBQ?不用急着远离烤架。尽管烤肉中包含可能引发啮齿动物基因突变的物质,但是只有食用非常多的烧烤才可能导致人类罹患癌症,不过正常情况下没有人那么多的烤肉。为了降低患癌风险,国际癌症协会建议公众不要油炸食物,如果油炸,就要把炸过的部分切掉。 3、避孕药? Birth control pills reduce risk of cancers of the uterus and ovaries but slightly increase the risk of breast cancer. After ten years of stopping the medication, however, the risk for cancer returned to the same level as if they had never used the birth control pills, according to the National Cancer Institute. No need to go off the Pill just yet.避孕药可以降低子宫癌和卵巢癌的风险,但会轻微增加胸癌的风险。然而,根据国际癌症机构的研究,停止服用避孕药十年后,癌症的风险会回升到从未使用避孕药的水平。因此,没有必要禁药。 4、染发? Dyeing your hair causes cancer? According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association on May 25, 2014 this is untrue.染发导致癌症?2014年5月25日美国医疗协会期刊中公布的研究结果表明,这种说法没有事实根据。 5、红酒? Think barrels of red wine will ward off cancer? Think again. Alcohol consistently comes up as a possible cause of cancer and it is best to enjoy moderately if at all according to several studies including Cancer Research UK, the American Cancer Society and Journal of the American Medical Association.认为成桶的红酒会预防癌症?一定要三思!酒精一直以来都是可能导致癌症的原因。根据英国癌症研究中心,美国癌症协会和美国医药协会组织几种研究三大组织进行的多项研究表明,最好适量饮用红酒。 6、胸罩? Have you heard that wearing a bra could increase your risk of cancer? No need to worry, the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Institute have categorically refuted this outrageous claim.你听说过穿胸罩会增加癌症风险吗?不用担心,国际癌症机构和美国癌症机构斩钉截铁地反驳了这个离谱的说法。 7、阿司匹林? An interesting study conducted by the University of Oxford in 2012 found that people who took an aspirin a day for five years were found to have a 37% reduced risk of cancer compared to people who did not take aspirin. Other studies have shown similar, if less dramatic results – however, according to the Oxford University National Cancer Institute, it’s too early to recommend an asprin a day.2012年,一项由牛津大学进行的有趣研究表明,人们每天吃阿司匹林,持续五年后,比发现不吃阿司匹林的人减少37%的癌症风险。其它研究结果虽然没有这么引人注目,但却证明了同样的结果。然而,根据牛津大学国际癌症机构的研究,推荐人们一日一片阿司匹林仍旧为时尚早。 8、手机? Rest assured, your mobile phone is not giving you brain cancer. Doctors at the Danish Cancer Society monitored 420,000 mobile phone users in Denmark from 1982 to 1995 and found no cancer link. There have been several follow-up studies since then, and none have found any evidence of a connection between mobile phone use and cancer.令人安慰的是,你的手机不会导致脑癌。从1982年到1995年在丹麦癌症社区的医生监测了42万手机用户,发现使用手机跟罹患癌症没有关联。从那以后有许多跟踪研究,但没有任何一项证据表明手机的使用和癌症有联系。 9、瓶装水? What about drinking water from a plastic bottle? There has been some concern about chemicals entering the water when exposed to heat, like in a hot car. According to Cancer Research UK,there is no evidence that this happens. Although harmful chemicals can be released when plastic is burned, it is unclear if these are even present in the plastic used in water bottles.喝塑料瓶里的水怎样?有一些担忧,当暴露在日光下时化学物质会进入水中就像在水罐中。根据英国癌症调查,没有证据表明这发生了。虽然有害化学物质能被释放当塑料燃烧的时候,不明确的是是否这些存在于用过的塑料水瓶中。 10、糖? The ony problem with sugar is that it causes weight gain, which in turn puts you at a higher risk for certain cancers, but sugar itself does not directly affect cancer. According to Dr. Kyle Holen at UW Paul P. Carbone Comprehensive Cancer Center in Wisconsin, USA, you should not stop eating all sugar.糖的唯一问题是它导致体重增加,使你处于患某种癌症的高风险中,但糖不直接导致癌症。根据美国华盛顿UW Paul P.Carbone 癌症综合中心的Kyle Holen 博士所说,你不应该停止吃所有的糖。 11、酱油? Can't live without your soy latte or tofu stir-fry? No need to give them up just yet. Though soy contains chemicals similar to estrogen, a hormone that can promote tumors in breast cells, the 2012 American Cancer Society Guidelines on Nutrition and Physical Activity for Cancer Survivors reports that current research finds no harmful effects to breast cancer survivors from eating soy.没有酱油,拿铁煎炸豆腐就不能活了吗?没必要放弃它们。虽然大豆包含化学物质和雌激素相似,荷尔蒙能促进胸部细胞的肿瘤,2012年美国癌症社会为了癌症幸存者对于营养和物理活动的指导表明,现今调查发现吃酱油对胸癌幸存者没有有害影响。 12、维他命? Forgot your daily vitamin? Not to worry. Multivitamins were found to have no effect on cardiovascular disease or cancer risk. If multivitamins are beneficial, the effect is too small to detect, according to the Annals of Internal Medicine Journal 2013.忘记你的每日维他命了吗?不要担心。多样维他命被发现对心血管疾病或癌症无影响。根据2013Annals国际医药期刊的说法,如果多种多样的维他命是有益的,它们的效果也不明显,很难被人发现。 癌症的诱因众说纷纭,医学上也没有统一的认识,小编身为担忧……所以,各位医学大神加油!!! 关于癌症的预防和治疗,大家有没有什么建议呢?


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