






发布者: Mia2011 | 发布时间: 2014-8-23 21:50| 查看数: 1286| 评论数: 0|


1)watermelon n.西瓜

My mother cut the watermelon into quarters妈妈把西瓜切成4份。 2)peach n.桃子When the peach trees begin bearing fruit, they are mature当桃树开始结果的时候,它们就成熟了。 3)apple n.苹果New York ranked second in the production of apples, producing850,000,000 pounds this year纽约的苹果产量位居第二,今年达850.000,000磅。 4)flesh n.果肉The naughty boy threw away the flesh of the peach and kept the peel.这个淘气的男孩扔掉了桃子的果肉,保留了果皮。 5)pear n.梨The poor boy has never known the taste of a pear那个可怜的男孩从来没尝到过梨的咪道。 6)fig n.无花果l am looking forward to eating figs on our own fig tree我盼望着能吃到自己家种的无花果。 7)grape n.葡萄He can't help rushing to the fridge and eating a bunch of fresh grapes他急不可待I地冲向冰箱,去吃一串新鲜的葡萄。 8)durian n.榴莲Few people can stand the strong smell of the durian很少有人能受得了榴莲那强烈的味道。 9)lychee n.荔枝She prefers lychee to any other fruits在所有水果中,她最喜欢吃荔枝。 10)berry n.浆果These animals feed mainly on berries when winter comes冬天来临的时候,这些动物主要以浆果为食物。 11)cherry n.樱桃We will go to the suburbs to pick cherries this weekend这周末我们会去郊区摘樱桃。 12)orange n.橙子 I like to drink the concentrated orange juice我喜欢喝浓缩橘子汁。 13)pomelo n.柚子,文旦We can't find any pomelos in this supermarket我们在这家超市没有找到柚子。 14)date n.椰枣What the sick man needs most is a date那个病人很想吃椰枣。 15)sugar cane甘蔗Grandmother gave up her favorite sugar cane after her teeth began to fall out奶奶的牙齿开始脱落后,她再也不吃心爱的甘蔗了。 16)orchard n.果园You can gather many windfalls in the orchard after the storm风暴过后,你能在果园里捡到很多掉落的果实。 17)nut n.坚果,坚果仁These nuts are delicious, but it's hard to crack them这些坚果很好吃,但弄掉它们的壳却有些困难。 18)chestnut n.栗子The man, with a bag of chestnuts in his hand, was knocked down by a car那个手里拿着一包栗子的人被一辆小汽车撞倒了。 19)ripe adj.成熟的l like the luscious taste Of ripe peaches我喜欢熟桃的香甜味。 20)watermelon seed 瓜子To our joy, the watermelon seeds began to grow out让我们高兴的是,西瓜种子已经开始发芽了。


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