





[转帖]Skulls suspicious of human's found in Gansu----英语时事

发布者: BlueMask | 发布时间: 2006-4-6 14:24| 查看数: 6366| 评论数: 0|


<TD width=573>Skulls suspicious of human's found in Gansu<br>(Shanghai Daily)<br>Updated: 2006-04-03 11:30 <br>
Authorities are trying to determine whether 121 skulls found last week in a forest in Gansu Province belong to humans. <br>

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<TD vAlign=center align=left><FONT size=2><img src="http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2006-04/03/xin_280403031146492193819.jpg"><br></FONT><FONT size=2>A total of 121 skulls whose tops had been sawn off were discovered last week in a forest in Northwest China's Gansu Province. DNA tests are underway to work out if the skulls belong to human being. <FONT size=3><FONT size=2>The skulls were first thought to be monkeys, but a local professor held a suspicion that they belong to human being as he had found plastic teeth in a jaw of one of the skulls.</FONT> </FONT>[Lanzhou Morning Post]</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><br>The skulls were first thought to be monkeys, but Liu Naifa, life science professor at Lanzhou University in Lanzhou, the provincial capital, said they were human. <br>
Plastic teeth were found in a jaw of one of the skulls, the Lanzhou Morning Newspaper said. <br>
The tops of the skulls were sawn off before they were discovered. <br>
Liu said the skulls were sawn not long ago. The professor also said they were from young and old people, as well as men and women. <br>
A herdsman found the bones in a forest in Tanshanling Town of the Tibet Autonomous County of Tianzhu last week, according to the newspaper. <br>
The forest is on the border between Gansu and Qinghai. <br>
The provincial police department said it reported the case to the Ministry of Public Security. <br>
According to the report, DNA tests will be used to determine whether the skulls are human.</TD></TR>
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[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-6 14:27:20编辑过]


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