






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-8-27 15:33| 查看数: 877| 评论数: 0|

1.《小梨树》(Little Pear Tree)
By Rachel Williams
蕾切尔·威廉姆斯(Rachel Williams)编写
Illustrated by Jenny Bowers
詹妮·鲍尔斯(Jenny Bowers)插图
12 pp. Big Picture Press/Candlewick Press. $14.99. (Lift-the-flap book; ages 2 to 5)
12页。大图出版社/烛芯出版社(Big Picture Press/Candlewick Press)。14.99美元。(折页书;2至5岁)
Bowers’s brilliantly colored, textile-like paintings of a pear tree in the changing seasons incorporate dozens of flaps, some so subtly placed that little hands will have to feel their way across the page to find them all. A simple verse tells the tree’s story: “As summer comes, the golden sun / arises in the east. / The little pear tree, filled with pride, puts on its glorious feast.” Behind leaves and fruit lurk surprises: a beetle, fledgling birds and a fawn nibbling at the ground near its mother.
鲍尔斯以鲜艳的色彩和织物的质地,描绘了一颗经历四季变幻的梨树,书中有20多个折页画,有些隐藏得很巧妙,孩子的小手必须沿着页面摸索才能找到。一首简单的诗讲述了这棵树的故事:“夏日来临,金色的太阳 / 从东方升起。/小小梨树,满怀骄傲,上演璀璨的盛宴。”在树叶和水果后面隐藏着很多惊喜:一只甲壳虫,几只雏鸟,一只在妈妈身旁啃地的小鹿。
2.《我特别勇敢!》(I Am so Brave!)
By Stephen Krensky
斯蒂芬·克兰斯基(Stephen Krensky)编写
Illustrated by Sara Gillingham
萨拉·吉林厄姆(Sara Gillingham)绘图
12 pp. Abrams Appleseed. $6.95. (Board book; ages 2 to 5)
12页。艾布拉姆斯·阿普尔西德出版社(Abrams Appleseed)。6.95美元。(硬纸板书;2至5岁)
In this continuation of the publisher’s confidence-inspiring series (“I Can Do It Myself!,” “I Know a Lot!”) Krensky and Gillingham follow a preschool boy who admits to having been afraid of dogs, swimming, loud horns and other common childhood anxieties, and then relates how he overcame those fears. Krensky’s simple declarative text is made more interesting by Gillingham’s eye-catchingly cute silk-screen illustrations, notable in having an African-American child as the main character, with plenty of diversity among the other children with whom he plays.
在该出版社的激发信心系列(《我能自己做!》[I Can Do It Myself!],《我知道很多事情!》[I Know a Lot!])这个最新的续集里,克兰斯基和吉林厄姆讲述了一个幼儿园小男孩的故事,他承认自己怕狗、怕游泳、怕响亮的喇叭声,以及令大多数小孩子害怕的其他东西,然后讲述了他如何克服这些恐惧。克兰斯基简单的宣言式文字,因为吉林厄姆令人爱不释手的丝印插图而变得更有趣了。值得注意的是,这些插图以一个非裔美国小孩为主要人物,和他一起玩的孩子来自多个种族。
3.《问题,问题》(Questions, Questions)
Written and illustrated by Marcus Pfister
马库斯·普菲斯特(Marcus Pfister)编写、绘图
22 pp. NorthSouth Books. $8.95. (Board book; ages 2 to 5)
22页。北南图书出版社(NorthSouth Books)。8.95美元。(硬纸板书;2至5岁)
Pfister, the Swiss author and illustrator of “The Rainbow Fish,” here ponders the great “whys” of the natural world. “Who teaches butterflies to fly, / splashing their colors through the sky?” and “Do apple seeds dream happily / of growing up to be a tree?” His illustrations have the tactile, wet look of sponge prints, but with careful details (claws, eyes, antennas) drawn in by hand to give the animals he pictures specificity. Previously published in picture-book format, “Questions, Questions” makes a poetic, calming read-aloud, just right for bedtime or a peaceful moment in the park.
瑞士作家、插画师普菲斯特曾出版《彩虹鱼》(The Rainbow Fish)。他借《问题,问题》一书思考自然界的很多重要“问题”。“谁教会蝴蝶飞翔,/在空中挥洒色彩?”“苹果籽会幸福地梦想/长成大树吗?”他的海绵印画插图具有触感和湿润感,但也有精心手绘的细节(爪子、眼睛和触角),让这些动物更具特色。《问题,问题》之前曾以图画书的形式出版。它富有诗意,令人平静,适合在睡前或在安静的公园里大声朗读。
4.《小自卸车》(The Little Dump Truck)
By Margery Cuyler
马格丽·凯勒(Margery Cuyler)编写
Illustrated by Bob Kolar
鲍勃·科拉尔(Bob Kolar)绘图
22 pp. Henry Holt & Company. $7.99. (Board book; ages 2 to 5)
22页。亨利·霍尔特出版公司(Henry Holt & Company)。7.99美元。(硬纸板书;2至5岁)
The cheerful, bouncing rhymes of Cuyler’s narrative are instantly endearing. You don’t have to be a construction-mad toddler to enjoy verses like “I’m a little dump truck / working hard each day. / Back and forth, back and forth, / I love my job — Hooray!” Older siblings may memorize this and “read” it aloud; babies should respond excitedly to the bold colors and simple shapes of Kolar’s child-friendly pictures. This board book deserves a place in the stroller or a car’s back seat, ready to roll past the excavations and building sites that inspired its creators.
5. B IS FOR BOX The Happy Little Yellow Box: A Pop-Up Book
5.《B是箱子:快乐小黄箱立体书》(B Is For Box: The Happy Little Yellow Box: A Pop-Up Book)
Written and illustrated by David A. Carter
大卫·A·卡特(David A. Carter)编写、绘图
12 pp. Little Simon. $12.99. (Pop-up book; ages 3 to 6)
12页。小西蒙出版社(Little Simon)。12.99美元。(立体书;3至6岁)
This sequel to “The Happy Little Yellow Box: A Pop-Up Book of Opposites” shares its predecessor’s bold black, white and bright yellow palette. An alphabet, written as if on a chalkboard, incorporates pull-tabs, flaps and, of course, pop-ups, in which the Happy Little Yellow Box appears unexpectedly, sliding down a slide, or hiding in the grass. Though some of Carter’s text is probably too sophisticated for lap-readers (“Oo is for an observatory in orbit”), it should keep their adults amused — always a good thing when children are likely to beg for repeated readings.
这本书是《快乐小黄箱:反义词立体书》(The Happy Little Yellow Box: A Pop-Up Book of Opposites)的续集。和上本书一样,它用的也是醒目的黑、白和亮黄色。它像是写在黑板上的字母表,里面有拉页、折页和立体画,快乐小黄箱会中意想不到地冒出来——从滑梯上滑下来或者藏在草丛中。虽然对小读者们来说卡特的某些话可能太难懂了(“O是轨道上的瞭望台”),但是大人们应该觉得很有趣——这是好事,因为孩子们可能会恳求你反复朗读。


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