






发布者: Mia2011 | 发布时间: 2014-8-31 22:33| 查看数: 1062| 评论数: 0|



1. Think the interview is over until you walk out the door: The interview will continue until you walk out the office door, so be careful of your behavior and your words even when your hiring manager is done firing questions at you. Be polite and on top of your game when you are making casual conversation on your way out, and be nice to the receptionist.以为出房门时面试就结束了:面试其实还在继续,所以就算招聘经理不再提问也要注意自己的行为和言语。要礼貌,离开时的随意交谈也要留心,对接待员的态度要好。 2. Get too relaxed: Your interviewer can seem like your long-lost BFF, but . . . she's not. And you shouldn't treat her like one. It's OK to be friendly, but you're still trying to make a good impression. Don't be too relaxed or you may slip up and do something that's unprofessional. She's not going to base the interview solely on how likeable you are.太放松:面试官像你失散多年的好朋友,可惜她不是。你也不应该这么认为。表现得友好当然没问题,但你还是要让她对你有个好印象。不要太放松,不然你会出错并做出不专业的事情。她不是根据你的可爱程度评价面试表现的。 3. Badmouth your old job: Maybe you had a boss à la Devil Wears Prada, but your hiring manager doesn't need to know that. Badmouthing your former employer just gives off negative vibes and detracts from your professionalism.说以前工作的坏话:也许你曾经有个魔鬼般的老板,但招聘经理不需要知道这个。抹黑你的前雇主只会散发负能量,有损你的专业程度。 4. Be unprepared: This should be obvious, but research the company to death. This is so you can craft your answers to fit the kind of candidate they're looking for and show that you're diligent and have done your homework.没准备好:这明显不该发生,所以仔细找公司资料吧。这样你能根据他们想找的候选人的要求修饰自己的回答,也能表明你很勤奋,做足了功课。 5. Address salary or benefits until the interviewer does: OK, so they are very important factors for you, but hold off until you get the job offer. Your interviewer wants to see what you can do for the company, not what's in it for you.比面试官先提工资或福利:嗯这些对你很重要,但等你得到这份工作再问吧。面试官想知道你能为公司做什么,而不是他们能给你什么。 6. Freak out if you don't know the answer: OK, the interviewer just threw you a big curveball by asking you to do some calculations when you have a phobia of math. Don't. Freak. Out. The worst thing you can do is to clam up when you don't know an answer, because you won't be able to think clearly and may throw out a bad answer in panic.不知道答案时表现失常:好吧,面试官丢给你个难题,数学不好还让你计算。不。要。抓。狂。不知道答案时最糟糕的就是默不作声,因为你无法有清晰的思路,可能会在恐惧中答得很不好。 7. Lie: Never, ever lie. Being found out will ruin your chances of getting the job. Plus if you make up something, you may not be able to talk at length about it without slipping up. Generally speaking, honesty is the best policy!撒谎:永远不要说谎。被发现的话就不可能得到工作了。另外如果你编了些事,你不可能没有破绽的详细展开。一般来说,诚实是最好的应对方法! 8. Talk about your problems: You need the job to pay off your student loans, blah blah. The hiring manager does not want to hear about your 99 problems, and although you're being honest, you will be hired based on your qualifications, potential for success, and your fit with the culture. Everything else will be secondary to those factors.说生活中的困难:你需要这份工作偿还学生贷款之类之类的。招聘经理不想听你的一堆堆困难,虽然你表现得很诚实,但你是根据自身素质、成功的潜力以及和公司文化的相符被录用的。其他一切都是次要因素。



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