






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-9-2 14:04| 查看数: 841| 评论数: 1|

China is a country with lots of people and a fast-growing economy. In the mid-2000s, after China joined the World Trade Organisation, this argument was usually sufficient to justify buying shares in any company doing business there. In many sectors the market became crowded. For foreign entrants, the reality of challenging logistics in a vast and heterogeneous country bit into margins. Retail businesses, in particular, found that Chinese streets were not paved with gold.
But in certain sectors, the hackneyed line may still hold true. China has rapidly adopted mobile telephony. Of the country’s 1.2bn mobile phone subscribers, more than half a billion now have smartphones. By July this year, mobile internet users had surpassed desktop surfers for the first time.
These people are not just looking for directions. According to the China Internet Network Information Centre, two-fifths of mobile internet users have become accustomed to making purchases on the hoof. In the first half of 2014, the number of mobile shoppers grew at 40 per cent half on half, more than four times the rate of the overall online shopping community.
An attractive and increasingly competitive market. On Friday, Dalian Wanda, the property and leisure conglomerate, confirmed the launch of an ecommerce joint venture with internet portal Tencent and search engine Baidu. It will target the offline-to-online market, where shops push products to nearby shoppers through their mobile phones.
It is an area in which the partners may have an edge. Although Alibaba dominates sales over the internet, its mobile monthly active users are only 188m. Tencent claims half a billion on its QQ smart platform, which also enables mobile payments. Its messaging platforms Weixin and WeChat have more than 400m MAU. Since the second quarter this year, Tencent has held a 15 per cent stake in JD.com, number two to Alibaba in the business-to-consumer space.
在O2O领域,上述三家合作公司或许拥有优势。虽然阿里巴巴(Alibaba)主宰着网上购物市场,但其手机端月活跃用户(MAU)目前仅为1.88亿。腾讯声称,其QQ智能平台上的月活跃用户达到5亿,该平台也支持移动支付。腾讯的通迅平台微信国内版(Weixin)和国际板(WeChat)的月活跃用户已超过4亿。自今年第2季度以来,腾讯持有京东(JD.com) 15%的股权。京东是企业对消费者(B2C)领域仅次于阿里巴巴的第二大企业。
Alibaba is formidable all the same. Its second-quarter mobile sales jumped 10-fold year on year and now account for one-third of its total sales. But in a market accustomed to rapid change, and where shoppers know no loyalty, Alibaba’s dominance is far from assured.


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