






发布者: Mia2011 | 发布时间: 2014-9-10 10:10| 查看数: 712| 评论数: 0|


推荐给爱音乐,也许想(正在)学习乐器的你~~~If you've been waving over the idea of learning how to play, here are some reasons to play a musical instrument! There is so much to be gained from just taking some time out every week to practice and get better. If you already play, but have lost your motivation, check out these reasons to play a musical instrument to fall in love with your instrument again!如果你还在犹豫要不要学乐器,看看下面这几个学习乐器的理由吧!每周抽出一些时间去练习会让你有很多收获。如果你已经学了,但是失去了动力,看看下面的理由,你会重新爱上你的乐器的!

1. You'll be smarter你会更加聪明

One of the reasons to play a musical instrument is because it will actually make you smarter. Many studies have been done on this, and they all show that playing an instrument changes the structure of your brain, expanding the parts that control hearing and memory. Musicians have even been found to pick up new languages easier. Pretty cool, right?学习演奏乐器的一个原因是实际上它会让你更加聪明。很多研究表明演奏乐器能够改变大脑的结构,扩展控制听力和记忆的部分。人们发现音乐家学习新的语言会更加容易。很酷,对吗?

2. Entirely new language全新的语言

Speaking of new languages, learning to play an instrument will actually teach you a new language in and of itself: music theory. Those little black dots on lines aren’t just dots, they’re an entire language spoken through music that the composer wrote, in the same way an author would write a novel. There’s so much to learn besides the notes, such as keys and time signatures, just to name some basic ones.说到新的语言,学习演奏乐器实际上也是学习一门新的语言:音乐理论。那些线上的小黑点儿不仅仅是黑点儿,它们是一门语言,作曲家用这门语言作曲,就像作家用语言写小说一样。除了乐符外还有很多要学的内容,比如按键和拍子记号等,这些都是基本内容。

3. It passes the time它能打发时间

If you’re ever bored, you can always pick up your instrument and play. I play the piano, and sometimes when I want to relax and just take some time to myself, I’ll go sit down and start playing. Before I know it, an hour has gone by, and I’ve gotten in valuable practice time as well as gotten rid of stress and had some personal fun for a while. It’s something that you’ll always be able to do, and you’ll never get bored, because there’s always a new song to learn!如果你觉得无聊,那你可以在任何时候拿起乐器开始演奏。我弹钢琴,有时当我想放松或自己独处时,我会坐下演奏钢琴。当我意识到时间的时候,一个小时已经过去了,我不仅度过了宝贵的练习时间,也去除了压力,并且自娱自乐。只要你学会了,你想演奏就能演奏,不会感到无聊的,因为总有新的歌曲可以学!

4. You'll be more fun你会享受更多乐趣

I have a friend who plays the ukulele, and she takes it with her everywhere because it’s so small and portable. If we’re somewhere like an outdoor mall or even outside of an ice cream shop where people won’t mind the noise, she’ll just start playing. You’d be amazed at how quickly a crowd forms around her! People start requesting songs, and in no time at all, she’s made her own little concert for all these people she doesn’t even know! People gravitate to musicians, because there’s something inherently welcoming and fun about music. Haven’t you ever been entranced by that cute guy playing the guitar? Of course! Now it’s your turn to do the entrancing!我有个朋友会弹尤克里里,她去哪里都会带着,因为非常小方便携带。如果我们去到类似于户外商城的地方,或者在冰激凌店外也可以,这种地方人们一般不会介意噪音,然后她就会开始弹奏,会有很多人的围聚过来,是不是很神奇?人们会开始点歌,她立刻就可以在这些完全不认识的人面前开一个小型的音乐会。人们都会被音乐家吸引,音乐天生就有一种受欢迎的欢乐魔力。你难道没有过被那个弹吉他的可爱家伙吸引的经历?当然有啦!现在轮到你来让别人为你着迷啦!

5. It's an invaluable skill它是宝贵的技能

Being a musician for a living is tough, but knowing how to play an instrument well is a skill that can never be taken away from you. Once you learn, you’ll never completely forget it. It’s something to fall back on if you ever need it. Out of a job? Perhaps scout out some local bands that are willing to pay for your skills at your particular instrument. Or, if you’re skilled enough, you can give lessons and make money that way.当音乐家来养家糊口是很难的,但是知道如何演奏乐器确实是一项终身的技能。一旦你学会了,你就永远不会忘记。你需要时就可以用它。找不到工作?也许去当地的乐队找找,说不定他们愿意雇你演奏乐器。或者如果你的演奏技巧相当熟练,你可以讲授课程,通过这种方式来赚钱。

6. You’ll develop an ‘ear’会开发音乐“耳朵”

One of the things that I love most about being a musician is that I hear music in an interesting way. Most people hear the song as a whole, but I personally listen for certain aspects of it. I can appreciate an interesting chord progression, or a key change, and understand the dynamics of a song and what makes it work. Trust me, that will make you love a song a thousand times more. And perfect harmonies are like the kryptonite of any musician with a good ear. You hear a well executed harmony and your knees will just turn to jelly from pleasure!作为音乐家,我最喜欢的一件事情是用一种有趣的方式来倾听音乐。大部分的人都把歌曲当做整体来听,但我个人是从几个方面去听的。我可以欣赏有趣的和弦进行、按键的变化、理解歌曲的变化和原理。相信我,这会让你把一首歌听上上千次。完美的和声对于拥有敏感耳朵的音乐家而言简直就是致命的诱惑。听到好的和声,你会开心得双腿发软。

7.Can play other instruments可以演奏其他乐器

If you can play just one musical instrument, you’ll be able to learn how to play others relatively quickly. Once you’ve developed an ear for music, you’ll be able to tell what sounds good and what doesn’t, so even if you don’t want to take lessons for a new instrument, you’ll be able to teach yourself. Playing many instruments is a huge benefit, and something that you’ll never know when you’ll need. If you wanted to go the route of giving lessons, you’d be able to give lessons for all the instruments you play and perhaps make that a full time job!如果你会演奏一种乐器,你会很快地学会演奏其他乐器。一旦你有了一双音乐的耳朵,你就能知道什么听起来好听什么不好听,所以即便你不想上课去学新的乐器,你也能自学。演奏多种乐器会很大有裨益,你永远不知道你什么时候需要它。如果你想走培训的路线,那你可以讲授多种课程,也许培训会成为你的全职工作!

8. You'll find peace你会找到平和

That might sound cheesy, but you will. Music is a powerful emotional stimulus, and it’s something you can always turn to whenever you’re feeling bad. Many people I know have said that playing their instruments helped them deal with their depression and other emotional issues. It’s a method of release, and even of meditation if you use it that way. If you’re having overwhelming negative feelings, give an instrument a chance. It could be just the thing you need to help you through it.听起来有些俗气,但是你会的。音乐是一种有力的情感刺激,无论你何时感觉不好,你都可以求助于它。我认识的很多人都说演奏乐器能帮助他们处理抑郁和其他情感问题。它是一种发泄的方法,还可以作为一种冥想的方式。如果你有大量的负面情绪,试试乐器吧。 它可能就是你需要的东西,它能够帮助你。

Music is a passion of mine, but I know that may not be the case for everyone. Still, I hope this list has inspired some people to learn to play an instrument. Which one would you be most interested in learning?音乐对我来说是种激情,但我知道可能并不适用于所有的人。然而,我希望上面的这几点能激发一些人去学习演奏乐器。你最想学习哪种乐器呢?


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