






发布者: 偶来偶去 | 发布时间: 2014-9-23 11:30| 查看数: 1623| 评论数: 0|

敬老院 home for the aged; seniors' home

敬业精神 professional dedication; professional ethics

境外消费 consumption abroad

境外消费(服务贸易) consumption abroad

纠风办 State Council Office for Rectifying

九届全国人大四次会议 the Fourth Session of the Ninth National People's Congress

九五攻关 State Key Task 95

救生背心 life vest

救援人员 rescue workers

就业前培训  pre-job training 

居委会 neighborhood committee; residents' committee

局域网 local area network (LAN)

举办城市 host city

举报电话 informants' hot-line telephone

举杯 propose a toast

拒载 refuse to take passengers

具有国际竞争力的大型企业集团 Gradually forms a batch of internationally competitive conglomerates

具有中国特色的 with Chinese characteristics

决策性机构 policy-making body

军备开支 expenditure on armaments/expenditure on military equipment

军备控制 arms control


军备限制办法 approaches to arms limitation

军车定型试验设施 military vehicle type approval and test facility

军地两用人才 armymen trained to be competent for both military and civilian jobs

军队高层次应用型专门人才的培养迈上一个新的台阶 marking a new stage in the training of high-level professional for the armed forces.

军队基层建设纲要 the Outline for Armed Forces Construction at the Grass Roots Level

军队离退休人员生活费标准 Living expense standards for PLA retirees.

军队退役医疗保险 Medical insurance for demobilized servicemen

军队院校重点建设工程 Key Construction Project of Military Colleges and Schools

军费开支 military expenditure

军工联合企业 military industrial complex

军工企业 military industrial enterprise/defense industries

军火工业 armament industry

军律严明 Military laws are peremptory.

军民共建精神文明 build advanced units through the joint efforts of the army and the masses

军民共建精神文明活动 joint army-civilian efforts to promote socialist ethics and culture in their respective units

军民共建文明单位 model communities and units in the development of socialist ethics and culture established jointly by the army and civilians

军民兼顾 give consideration to both the army and the people/take care of the needs of both the army and the people


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