






发布者: 偶来偶去 | 发布时间: 2014-9-23 12:00| 查看数: 1395| 评论数: 0|

军民兼容 for dual military and civilian use

军民结合 integrate military with civilian purposes

军民联防 united army-and-civilian defense; army-civilian joint defense; join-defense by army and civilians

军民联欢 an army-civilian get-together; Civilians and armymen had a merry get-together.

军民团结 the unity between the army and the people; army-people unity

军民一家 The Army and the people are one family. ; The army and the people-one family.; Soldiers and people are one family.

军民一心 The soldiers and civilians are of one heart.

军旗 Military banners

军人伤亡保险制度 Injury and death insurance for servicemen

军人住房补贴制度 System of housing subsidies for servicemen

军嫂 soldier's wife

军事拨款 military appropriations/military allocations /defense budget

军事法规 Military statutes

军事过硬 militarily competent

军事机构 military establishments

军事交通保障装备 military traffic support equipment

军事素质 military qualities; fighting capability

军事素质和政治素质 military capability and political consciousness

军事学硕士专业学位设置方案 the plan of setting up specialities for master’s degree of military science.

军事训练与考核大纲 The outline of Military Training and Evaluation

军事预算 military budget

军事援助 military aid

军事战略调整 Adjustments in their military strategies.

军事支出 Military expenditure

军需装备 quartermaster equipment exhibition area

军用飞机 warplane, military aircraft

军转民 Shift from military to civilian purpose/convert defense industry to civilian production

军转民,内转外 Turn military production into civilian production, turn domestic sales to export

军转民技术改造 Conversion of defense-related technologies for civil use

君子之交淡如水 the friendship between gentlemen is as pure as crystal; a hedge between keeps friendship green

竣工式 completion ceremony

卡丁车 kart

开标 bid opening

开创具有中国特色的社会主义建设新局面 create a new situation in building socialism with Chinese characteristics

开发公司 development company


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