





【每日一曲】美剧《绝望主妇》插曲 Start All Over Again

发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2014-10-19 23:40| 查看数: 1607| 评论数: 1|

"Start All Over Again"是《绝望的主妇》第七季中的一个插曲,在剧中主角们经历了生活百味之后,谁都想有个新的开始,听着这首抒情的音乐,我们可以回顾主妇们所经历的悲欢离合和家庭剧变。这首歌曲由美国女歌手Dana Glover带来,她有一副奇特的嗓音,适合唱爵士音乐,浑厚却略带支离,偶尔会产生声嘶力竭的幻觉。她的首次亮相是在美剧"Desperate Housewives"第7季第5集的开头处,Glover在其中客串饰演追求自己人格独立的主妇Emma,而Emma在丈夫的支持下,举办了自己的首场表演秀,边谈边唱"Start All Over Again",惊艳四座。


Take a step back, turn around

Look at the world that you've let down

My, my, such a disgrace

The damage is done you can't replace it

These are the things your mind will tell you

These are the things your heart will say

These are the things that leave you hopeless

These are the times you say

There is no way, no way, no way

But as long as you are breathing

You can start all over again

It your heart's beating

You can start all over again

Goodbye Sorrow, you can start all over again

Hello Tomorrow, you can start all over

Wake up to the perfect sun

The long night is over, a new day has begun

Oh yes, dare to believe much close in the morning

Your spirit is free

These are the things your mind will tell you

These are the words your heart will say

These are the thoughts that leave you fearless

These are the hands that point the way

Everything can change if all our things are new

The impossible is here and it's crying out for you

Everything is gonna work out right

Just like we prayed it would

Growing miracle after making a yes

It's working for you



首先我们来关注到标题中的短语start over。

If anything goes wrong we’ll have to start over again.


Resume作动词表示重新开始,继续;恢复。常用的表达是resume doing sth.。

We will stop now and resume working at 2 o'clock .



Please send a detailed resume to our company.



renew a book续借书籍

I'd like to renew the book for another week.


renew a conversation接着谈

After walking for some distance, he had to renew the conversation.



It seems to me that you should restart your computer.



make a fresh start重新开始,另起炉灶

I would like to move to another town and make a fresh start.

我想搬到另一个城市去, 从头做起。

第二个短语是:turn over a new leaf 重新开始,洗心革面。

Now John has decided to turn over a new leaf and go to school on time every day.


在节目的最后呢,再送给大家两句名言。Let Bygones are bygones. 过去的就让它过去吧。Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. Today is a gift.

That's why it is called present. 昨天已成为历史,明日却依然是谜,今天是珍贵的礼物,那就是它为什么被称作“当下”的原因。不管我们过去犯过什么样的错误,我们都有机会重新开始,就在这一刻,永远都不晚。


KK 发表于 2015-7-13 09:42:50
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