





小女孩唱出了伟大的主祷文——The Lord's Prayer

发布者: Mia2011 | 发布时间: 2014-12-31 12:01| 查看数: 3240| 评论数: 2|



这段视频节选自那时11岁美国天籁女高音Jackie Evancho 2011梦想起飞演唱会,她所拥有超越年龄的唱功,震撼了这个世界。


Jackie Evancho,2000年4月9日出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡,古典跨界唱法(Classical crossover)的著名童星,于2010年8月10日在美国达人 (Americas Got Talent)(第5季第21集)中第一次登场,这集是首次由Youtube海选投票选手参演,而Jackie Evancho是初筛选时海选投票的第一名,现场粉红裙子用女高音演唱普契尼歌剧咏叹调经典“O, Mio Babbino Caro”一鸣惊人。

Evancho的表现震撼了著名指挥TIm Janis和知名制作人音乐家David Foster,自从2009年以后他们就邀请Evancho参加他们的音乐会。继许多美国达人后续的露面之后,Evancho参加了2010美国国家圣诞灯火晚会,于华盛顿特区,奥巴马总统也出席。Evancho也是联合国“人道——仁慈的社会”的形象大使,该组织是为鼓励青少年更多参与保护动物的活动。自David Foster帮她推出Dream With Me专辑后,PBS电视台特别为此做了一场特殊节目,Evancho于2011年夏秋两季开始了她的“环美国音乐会”。她的新圣诞专辑“Heavenly Christmas(天堂圣诞)”,也于2011年11月1日推出。Evancho在2011年11月7日那天,成为了史上最年轻的在纽约林肯中心表演个人演唱会的音乐家。



Our Father, which art in heaven,Hallowed be thy Name.Thy Kingdom come.Thy will be done in earth,As it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread.And forgive us our trespasses,As we forgive them that trespass against us.And lead us not into temptation,But deliver us from evil.For thine is the kingdom,The power, and the glory,For ever and ever.Amen.



1. 我们在天的父:我们称天主,那全能和万有的创造者为父。当我们视天主为我们的父亲,也就同时承认了世上所有人都属同一个大家庭。我们不能憎恨、妒忌和歧视任何人。

Our Father who art in heaven: In addressing God as “our Father” we are acknowledging that every human person, including myself, is a child of God and therefore that we all belong to one huge family where we are all, in a very real way, brothers and sisters to each other. There is no room here for rejection, or hatred, or discrimination.

2. 愿你的名被尊为圣:我们祈求所有人都能对天主的名致以崇敬。

Hallowed be thy name: We are praying that God’s name be held in the deepest respect by people.

3. 愿你的国来临:我们祈求所有人都愿意接受天主和祂的爱。与此同时,我们要努力使这世界变成一个合乎天主旨意的地方。

Thy Kingdom come: We pray that every person in our world may put themselves consciously and willingly under the kingship and lordship and the love of God. We do this, above all, by our working together to make this world the kind of place that God wants it to be.

4. 愿你的旨意承行于地,如在天上一样:我们祈求我们自己的旨意越来越肖似天主的旨意。只有这样,我们才能完全奉行祂的旨意。

Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven: We pray that we can fully want what He wants. We are only fully doing his will when we fully want what he wants, when our will and his will are in perfect harmony.

5. 我们的日用粮,求你今天赐给我们:我们只求天主赐今天的食粮,不去担心未来。这祈求不单只为我们的摰亲,也是为所有人能得温饱而求,因而提醒我们自己要尽力协助有需要的人。

Give us this day our daily bread: We are only asking for what we need now, and now to worry about the future. We do not pray for just our immediate families, but all those who are in need. This reminds us to try our very best to help those who are in need.

6. 宽免我们的罪债,犹如我们也宽免得罪我们的人:真正的宽恕要求我们和人修和。真正的基督徒有一份坚固的安全感,即使人们攻击他,他也不会被冒犯。我们祈求天主赐恩宠,使我们能向这目标迈进。

Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us: Forgiveness in the Scripture always includes reconciliation between offender and offended. The true Christian has a rock solid sense of their own security and their own inner worth which no other person can take away. We ask for God’s grace to eventually reach this goal.

7. 不要让我们陷入诱惑,但救我们免于凶恶:在最后,我们承认自己的软弱和对天主完全的依赖,并求祂保护我们。

Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: In the end, we acknowledge our weaknesses and our total dependence on God’s help. We ask to be protected.


The Lord’s Prayer are usually recited in a rapid way, but all petitions have a profound meaning. We should slow down and try to ponder over them.






心中Sun 发表于 2014-12-31 14:10:41
sounds good.
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