





[原创]Pick up your phone and give a call

发布者: Rita娜 | 发布时间: 2006-4-8 17:02| 查看数: 10607| 评论数: 1|

<STRONG><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" size=4><U>ick up your phone and give a call</U><br></FONT></STRONG>
<FONT color=#000000><FONT size=4><FONT face="Comic Sans MS">  <STRONG>I just remembered a song named "friend "yesterday,and in my point of view, it is really a good song in my heart.</STRONG></FONT></FONT></FONT> <br>
<FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000 size=4><STRONG>  As far as we know ,</STRONG></FONT><a href="http://www.sogou.com/sogoupedia?query=everybody" target="_blank" ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000 size=4><STRONG>everybody</STRONG></FONT></A><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000 size=4><STRONG> has her/his friends ,this is a fact we know .But have you counted how many friends you have until now ? Maybe you never know, maybe you never count,or maybe you never wanna konw or you never wanna count.You may think this is a silly question,but don't forget there must be some friends brought you happiness that you never get from others.Yes ,it is true!I believe!</STRONG></FONT> <br>
<FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000 size=4><STRONG>  As we grow up ,we will make more and more friends ,specifically speaking ,more and more new friends rush in our lives ,therefore, there will be more and more old friends compared with the new ones.And how many new friends become old friends,do you know ? You never know and I can't tell,either.But you only know they brought you happiness ever. Maybe only for one second .It is one second lets you feel it forever ,because it is the only second you never forget in your heart,or it is the only second you wanna take out of your heart.</STRONG></FONT> <br>
<FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000 size=4><STRONG>  But what are friends? Do you know? </STRONG></FONT>
<FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000 size=4><STRONG>  In my opinion,friends are those who help you whenever you need help .And there is one good sentence which can describe what friends are. It says "Friends in need are friends indeed",I can't agree more! Friends are those who bring you happiness and help ,so friendship is forever!</STRONG></FONT> <br>
<FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000 size=4><STRONG>  You may miss one of your friends on a special day,and you may miss the happiness he/she brought you ,you may miss the time you spent together,that is the friendship !</STRONG></FONT> <br>
<FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000 size=4><STRONG>  I should say that don't forget any friend of yours because he/she gave you what you want after all.So whenever you miss them,please let them know ,and pick up your phone and give him/her a call--- even if  a "hello "!  <br></STRONG></FONT>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-8 17:16:28编辑过]


tataoo 发表于 2007-8-30 22:39:15
i have a friend,she is a girl,too.though we can't meetevery day,the relationship bewteen us won't change,,it's really,i would miss her very much sometimes.we study in different places and oncewe didn't contact for months...
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