






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2015-1-22 14:29| 查看数: 583| 评论数: 1|

The former head of the Bundesbank has cast doubt on the future viability of the euro if countries do not follow Germany in imposing structural reforms to boost their longer-term growth rates.
Calling the probable introduction of quantitative easing by the European Central Bank on Thursday as “only part of the fix”, Axel Weber, now the chairman of UBS, said there were legitimate questions hanging over the viability of the single currency.
现任瑞银(UBS)董事长的埃克塞尔•韦伯(Axel Weber)将欧洲央行(ECB)周四可能出台的量化宽松政策称为“只是解决方案的一部分”。他表示,关于欧元的存活能力存在合理疑问。
If countries do not reform, he said: “I think there will always be questions about the viability of the project and Europe has not done enough to dispel these concerns.”
Mr Weber was speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos and gave a traditionally German account of the problems in the eurozone that put the responsibilities on failure of governments to reform rather than inadequate action from the central bank.
韦伯是在达沃斯世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)上发表这番言论的,他从德国的传统观点出发评述欧元区的问题:将责任归咎于成员国政府未能改革,而非欧洲央行措施不力。
He said he expected a “sizeable programme” of QE, adding: “But the real issue is the ECB has continuously bought time for European policy makers to fix the issue.”
Saying the policies of structural reform, particularly in the periphery of the eurozone — Italy, Greece, Spain, Ireland and Portugal — were inadequate, Mr Weber, who was the president of the Bundesbank until 2011, said that because of a lack of recovery in Europe, “the problems are back”.


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