






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2015-1-26 15:29| 查看数: 757| 评论数: 0|

Fans of the writer David Mitchell should wake up from their long winter’s naps long enough to take note: He will publish his seventh novel, “Slade House,” on Oct. 27, Random House announced on Wednesday.
作家大卫·米歇尔(David Mitchell)的粉丝们可以从漫长的冬眠中醒过来,拿出小本本记下:今年10月27日,他将出版自己的第七部小说《斯雷德之屋》(Slade House),兰登书屋于周三宣布了这个消息。
While the author has previously gone two or three years between novels, this book will arrive just one year after Mr. Mitchell published “The Bone Clocks,” a best-seller that was noted on many year-end lists.
之前,这位作家每出版一本小说都要间隔两三年,而距离他的上一部小说《骨钟》(The Bone Clocks)推出仅一年后,新书就可以面世了。《骨钟》是一本畅销书,在去年年底的许多书单中都榜上有名。

The new work grew out of a short story, “The Right Sort,” which Mr. Mitchell published last summer on Twitter.
新作是在米歇尔去年夏天在Twitter上发表的短篇小说《正确的类型》(The Right Sort)基础上发展起来的
In a news release, Mr. Mitchell said that the original 2,000-word story called for expansion. “Scenes grew, bred and sprouted new scenes until ‘The Right Sort’ passed the 6,000 word mark and announced itself as part one of a five-part novel,” he said. The novel’s five sections span 36 years in the life of a haunted house, and the disappearances of five individuals, from October 1979 through October 2015.
“Slade House” is set in the same fictional universe as “The Bone Clocks,” which was an ambitious 624-page effort to amplify the low-wattage supernatural elements that radiated through Mr. Mitchell’s earlier work. Mr. Mitchell described it as a sort of “uberbook,” bringing together characters from all of his books, spanning the globe and much of human history. “The Bone Clocks” was long-listed for the Man Booker Prize.

“Slade House” is a shorter book, but David Ebershoff, Random House’s executive editor, said in a statement that “readers of ‘The Bone Clocks’ might recognize one of the characters.”
《斯雷德之屋》篇幅较短,但兰登书屋的执行主编大卫·埃博舍夫(David Ebershoff)在一份声明中说,“《骨钟》的读者们会认出小说中的一个人物。”


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