






发布者: timeisflying | 发布时间: 2015-2-4 13:53| 查看数: 1020| 评论数: 0|


Derek Barker

I usually go through two steps here.


1. I imagine the feeling that I am sure to feel after having completed said task.

1. 我试想完成该任务后我一定会有什么样的感觉。

2. One thing that my father taught me was the hardest part of any project is actually getting started. So I just act impulsively and jump right on what ever the task may be.

2. 我父亲教我的一件事情是万事开头难。所以,我常常不做过多思考,说做就做,马上开始行动。

Usually after I get started on a task, I can then start to get a better understanding of what it will take to finish the task, and will also be able to get a better sense of how long it's going to take me and how good I am going to feel after completing a less-than desirable task.




If possible, I break it down into baby steps and reward myself for each completed step. If it's something like cleaning the house or some physical task that I just really hate to do, I'll set a timer for 10-15 minutes and work as hard as I can for that time. Then I'll give myself a break to do something I like for half an hour and then do another 10-15 minute slog. If it's something really scary like cleaning out my shed, I might just do 10 minutes a day until it's done. It's amazing how much you can get done in 10 minutes if you really work.


When I was in college, I always procrastinated on writing papers until I adopted the strategy of breaking down the steps into manageable pieces that could be completed in 30-60 minutes a day.


A lot of times, it's not really laziness so much as just feeling overwhelmed and scared to get started. By breaking it into tiny pieces that seem more manageable, I can usually get myself going. Once I've completed a few first steps, it doesn't look so bad and I can complete the whole project without stopping.


John Rehberger

Visualize yourself having done it already. Doing this will help you realize 1) it can be done (sometimes easily) and 2) all of the silly reasons that you have created in your mind for not doing it yet.



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