






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2015-3-16 15:05| 查看数: 555| 评论数: 1|

China’s state broadcaster accused foreign auto brands of overcharging customers in its Consumer Day television programme that multinationals watch each year with increasing trepidation.
Previous victims of the China Central Television special broadcast, which is aired every March 15, include famous brands such as Apple. The California technology giant was forced to issue an apology in 2013 for its alleged failings in relation to its warranty policies.
Much of Sunday night’s primetime programme focused on the automotive industry, with CCTV accusing service centres affiliated with Nissan, Volkswagen and Mercedes Benz’s China joint ventures of overcharging for what should have been routine repairs.
昨晚黄金档播出的3•15晚会,主要关注于汽车业的问题,指责东风日产(Nissan)、上海大众(Volkswagen)和奔驰中国(Mercedes Benz)的部分4S店故意虚报和夸大车辆故障,从中牟取暴利。
Jaguar Land Rover was separately singled out for allegedly poor service related to transmission repairs.
“We have paid close attention to CCTV reporting on the three … dealers of Shanghai Volkswagen,” a Volkswagen spokesperson said. “We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused to our customers.”
Mercedes Benz said it could not comment immediately on the broadcast, while Nissan and JLR did not respond to requests for comment.
The inclusion of so many foreign brands on the programme came after a muted broadcast last year, which was noteworthy primarily for its criticism of Japanese camera maker Nikon
Many industry executives and analysts had expected a similarly low-key broadcast this year, especially with CCTV having recently received bad publicity itself for corruption investigations that have snared some of its staff members.
No Chinese automakers were put under CCTV’s microscope, reinforcing the perception that the Consumer Day programme tends to pay more attention to foreign brands.


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