






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2015-4-3 10:24| 查看数: 784| 评论数: 0|

One magical winter, my daughter was recruited as a Christmas toy tester. She took delivery of a snow-white poodle, which was able to recite its owner’s name and insert it into pre-recorded sentences voiced by what sounded like a Disney princess. Within a week, Fluffy had morphed from cute to creepy. The
endless repetition and impassive intonation made it sound like a prop from a horror film.
我担心,同样的命运正等待着智能玩具CogniToys,这是总部位于纽约的美国公司Elemental Path正在研发的新玩具系列。在Kickstarter融资环节最近结束时,其首款产品——一只绿色的会说话的塑料恐龙,肚子上有个按钮——获得了5倍于原定募资额(5万美元)的支持。
I fear the same fate awaits CogniToys, a range in development by a new York based Americancompany, Elemental Path. By
the time a Kickstarter fundraising round closed on Wednesday, its first product — a green plastic speaking dinosaur with a button on its belly — had received five times the $50,000 funding requested.
Its unique selling point? Each dinosaur is linked to IBM’s Watson supercomputer. Press its button to ask a question, and Watson will trawl the internet looking for a safe, age-appropriate answer. Parents need not fear awkward moments: an inquiry about whether God exists, or how babies are made, will earn the coy response: “Ask mommy.” [JUST MOMMY?]
这个无所不知、与你的孩子共同成长的小恐龙,远程配备威力巨大的运算能力,是这样一种趋势的终极体现:游戏时间正变成一个极其严肃的问题,远远不再只是给肚中胎儿播放莫扎特(Mozart)音乐。6个月大的婴儿就成为了迷你笔记本电脑等所谓智能玩具的目标。鉴于常青藤大学(Ivy League)和顶尖工作面临来自全世界的竞争,家长们认为有必要更早一点把他们下一代身上隐藏的爱因斯坦(Einstein)特质挖掘出来。
But there is more. Just as the child learns from the toy, the toy will supposedly learn from the child and push her intellectually. The personality of one will, it is claimed, influence that of the other. As the child’s questions become more probing, so the CogniToy’s responses will mature. The scene is set, then, for a truly 21st-century picture of family life: parents and a child who is permanently and symbiotically welded to her Watson-enabled pal.
The know-it-all, grow-with-your-child dinosaur, armed remotely with fierce computing power, is the ultimate expression of a trend that is turning playtime into a deadly serious issue. It goes far beyond playing Mozart to junior in the womb: babies as young as six months are targeted with so-called smart toys, such as miniature laptops[LINK?]. Given the global competition for Ivy League universities and top jobs, parents feel compelled to start coaxing out their offspring’s inner Einstein ever earlier.
Yet, according to[SOME?] most child psychologists[LINK/SOURCE?], gadgets do not make children smarter; open-ended play does. This turns junior into an active participant rather than a passive recipient. Duplo blocks can be assembled in almost infinite permutations; crayons, paints, paper and clay encourage creativity; and puzzles and jigsaws give little minds a chance to practise pattern recognition and tiny fingers a chance to hone co-ordination. These toys endure: while Fluffy gathers dust, my sitting room carpet is a vista of Lego boats scavenged from bricks we have had for a decade.
《心理科学》(Psychological Science)杂志的一项研究显示,经常玩积木和图版游戏等传统玩具的孩子,往往在科学、数学和工程方面表现更为出色。交给孩子们一个与Watson超级计算机相连的玩具可能听上去很棒,但它不太可能让你的孩子变成神探夏洛克(Sherlock)。
This new gadget sounds like screen time without the screen. If a child has all his queries settled by a green dinosaur, where is the incentive to develop other modes of inquiry? What about engaging with playmates, parents or books? The thrill of an unsolved puzzle or a perplexing question spurs original thinking.
A study in Psychological Science[LINK? IS THIS SEPARATE FROM THE ‘CHILD PYSCHOLOGISTS’ POINT?] showed children who played regularly with traditional toys such as blocks and board games[EG? SPECIFICALLY OF THE OPEN-ENDED KIND?] tended to do better at science, maths and engineering. Handing over a gadget linked to Watson may sound cool but is unlikely to turn your child into Sherlock.
So perhaps parents should see the CogniToy more as a friend and confidante? That, too, is dispiriting: a child will learn much from both the muteness of an imaginary friend and the Machiavellian manoeuvring of a flesh-and-blood peer. Unless it is also rude, tantrum-prone, uncooperative, tired and occasionally hilariously unpredictable, the brain of a supercomputer offers a poor simulacrum of child friendship.


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