






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2015-4-15 09:35| 查看数: 929| 评论数: 0|

Anxiety about the rapidly changing world of work — from robots to the growth of freelancing — is high. The threat of automation is no longer restricted to assembly lines, and is causing ructions in white-collar cubicles too. Such fear can be para­lysing: why bother planning a career when your profession might disappear? Five writers looking at work trends outline their advice on future-proofing careers to Emma Jacobs.
Arianna Huffington
阿里安娜•赫芬顿(Arianna Huffington)
The co-founder and editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post recently stamped her mark on the topic through a conference on “the future of work”, organised in conjunction with the Berggruen Institute.
这位《赫芬顿邮报》(Huffington Post)联合创始人兼总编最近通过一次有关“未来工作”的会议谈到了这个话题,这次会议是与伯格鲁恩研究所(Berggruen Institute)合作组织的。
Ms Huffington, whose latest book Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Happier Life ex­plores the challenges of a modern career, believes the best strategy is to be “endlessly adaptable, endlessly flexible”. In an era when dev­ices are changing all the time and new platforms seem to pop up overnight, the only way to be ready for the future is to “embrace change as the only constant”.
赫芬顿写了一本新书,名为《兴旺:重新界定成功并缔造更幸福生活的第三标准》(Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Happier Life),探讨了现代职场的挑战。她认为,最佳战略是具有“无限的适应能力和无限的灵活性”。在这个设备永远在变化而且新的平台似乎层出不穷的时代,为未来做好准备的唯一方法是“把变化视为唯一的不变”。
The technological revolution under way is both a curse and a boon: “Techno­logy might allow us to be creative but it also damages [creativity].” She does not see The Huffington Post, which does not pay its bloggers, as part of the problem. “We’ve created jobs.” The Huffington Post, she says, has 850 employees.
Most of the newer media companies, such as Facebook or Instagram, Ms Huffington argues, are platforms on which users post their own content for free because they enjoy it. “Self-expression has become an important hobby. When people watch­ed television for seven hours, no one said they should be paid for doing so. If you care about your views and want to give them wider dissemination you use a platform.” Rather than knocking on 1,000 doors, she says, people blog to be noticed.
The Huffington Post was sold to AOL for $315m in 2011. Ms Huffington does not give her 23- and 25-year-old daughters job advice (one is developing a web show, the other is an artist), seeing her role as providing “unconditional support” and “encouraging them to take risks”. She reminds them not to worry too much. “Anxiety and self-doubt can strengthen the voice I call the obnoxious roommate living in our head.”
Erik Brynjolfsson
埃里克•布林约尔松(Erik Brynjolfsson)
Professor of management at the MIT Sloan School of Management. Co-
他是麻省理工斯隆管理学院(MIT Sloan School of Management)管理学教授,《第二个机器时代:辉煌技术时代的工作、进步和繁荣》(The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies)的作者之一。
author of The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies.
The middle class should be concerned, says Prof Brynjolfsson, pointing to how median wages have been stagnating. Technology, he says, has always both destroyed and created jobs. But rec­ently the automation of many jobs that involve routine information processing has increased. “This in-c­ludes basic clerical tasks and has affected the wages and employment prospects of a growing share of the population.”
However, he believes there is reason for hope. “Innovation has never been faster and overall wealth and income is hitting record highs.” He remains optimistic that “there are steps people and companies can take to survive and even thrive”.
Prof Brynjolfsson offers three pieces of advice to his students. First, “learn how to do things that humans do better than machines”. These include creativity and entrepreneurship, but also interpersonal skills such as motivation, persuasion, nurturing and caring. Second, embrace life-long learning. “The skills that are valuable today may be less valuable tomorrow, as technology ad­vances.” Third, do what you really love. “In the second machine age, most markets will be ‘winner-takes-most’ where a small number of top performers get most of the revenue, attention and success. It’s difficult, if not impossible, to excel without really loving what you do.”
马丁•福特(Martin Ford)
Martin Ford
他是总部位于硅谷的软件公司Acculant Technology的创始人,著有《机器人崛起:科技与失业未来的威胁》(Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future)一书。
Founder of Acculant Technology, a Silicon Valley-based software company. Author of Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future.
Mr Ford is gloomy about job prospects in the next 10 to 15 years. It is hard to give career advice to individuals, he says, because the structural problems of employment must be tackled by government. If he were to advise one person on future-proofing their career, it would harm another’s prospects. It is, in his view “a zero-sum game”.
It is easier, he says, to automate white-collar jobs than those requiring physical skill. Jobs that demand visual perception and dexterity — nurses, janitors, waiters — are relatively safe. One implication of this, he says, is that the traditional solution to improving em­ployability — education — will not be particularly effective. Nor is learning to program a solution. “There are lots of efforts under way to automate routine software development.”
The father of three says it is hard to think of career advice that will be useful to his youngest child, who is eight years old. “The concerns we have now will be vastly amplified by the time she starts working.” However, he is reassured by his college-age son’s decision to become a doctor, as it is a role he sees as having longevity.
尽管对未来20年感到担忧,但福特认为,如果政府做出正确的政策决定,例如进一步的收入再分配,长远未来可能会一片光明。约翰•梅纳德•凯恩斯(John Maynard Keynes)曾在1930年预测,未来的人们将每天工作3小时,尽管这种预测可能不会成为现实,但或许那种生活已不太遥远。福特表示:“长期来看,我们可以无比乐观。”
Despite this anxiety about the next 20 years, Mr Ford believes that if the right policy decisions are made — such as further redistribution of income — the long-term future could be bright. While John Maynard Keynes’s 1930 prediction that future generations would work three hours a day might not come true, it is not perhaps far off the mark. “In the long run, we can feel fantastically optimistic,” says Mr Ford.
琳达•格拉顿(Lynda Gratton)
Lynda Gratton
她是伦敦商学院(London Business School)管理实践教授,著有《变迁:未来的工作已出现》(The Shift: The Future of Work is Already Here)一书。
Professor of management practice at London Business School. Author of The Shift: The Future of Work is Already Here.
It is hard to build a positive narrative about the future of work, according to Prof Gratton. Technology and the hollowing out of work, in which the numbers of intermediate-level jobs are shrinking, are the key reasons.
The natural human instinct is to bury our heads in the sand and hope this will not happen, she says. “We find it difficult to plan for the long term, and even more difficult to make choices that are better for us in the long term but tough in the short term.”
Her advice? Remaining alert to what the next valuable skills are likely to be and constant learning in order to attain them. The three-stage career (education, work, retirement) is outdated. “It’s wise to have foresight [and] be prepared to experiment,” she notes. The advice she gives her grown-up sons is to prepare for the long distance — prioritising health, relationships and education.
They must also weigh up tangible and intangible assets: “Being old and poor is awful but being rich with no family or friends is also tough,” she says. “The future is impossible to predict but they need to [consider] what they love [as well as] what will be valuable.”
斯图•弗里德曼(Stew Friedman)
Stew Friedman
他是沃顿商学院(Wharton School of Business)管理实践教授,著有《过你喜欢的生活:如何将工作与生活融为一体》(Leading the Life You Want: Skills for Integrating Work and Life)一书。
Professor of management practice, Wharton School of Business. Author of Leading the Life You Want: Skills for Integrating Work and Life.
When advising individuals on career goals, Prof Friedman poses three challenges. First, imagine the future. “Try to think of a day in your life in 15 years — who are you with, where are you, what impact do you want to have? It helps to get a window into what people want out of life.”
The second is identifying who matters and what you want from them. “Having conversations with those people affects the outcome.”
Last, be innovative. “I ask people to imagine being scientists in the experiment of their lives, to try adventures.”
他表示,小步前进是重要的,因为这会防止人们完全止步不前。“人们比想象中更能控制未来的路。”从个人来讲,他原本希望成为布鲁斯•史普林斯汀(Bruce Springsteen),但他表示,他做了第二想做的事情,那就是让这位摇滚巨星成为他新书的一个研究案例。
Small steps are important, he says, because it prevents paralysis. “People are more in control of the path forward than they think they are.” Personally, he would have liked to have been Bruce Springsteen but he says he did the next best thing, which was to make the rock star a case study in his latest book.
The digital revolution has made people twitchy and nervous, he says, which explains the interest in mindfulness. “It is a reaction — people need peace and boundaries.” The key to a future-proof career, he says, is “continual reinvention”. The benefit in discussing your approach with others is that “you get ideas and support”.


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