






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2015-4-17 13:12| 查看数: 747| 评论数: 0|

Adam Lyons is one guy who definitely doesn't agree with the old adage "three's a crowd".


For the UK-born dating coach lives happily with his two girlfriends - and two children - in their LA home.


Lyons, 34, and his partners Brooke Shedd, 26, and Jane Shalakhova, 25, even share a super kingsize bed, and take it in turn to spend date nights together.


Add to the mix his girlfriend Shedd's 5-year-old son, from a previous relationship, and her newborn son with Lyons, named Dante, and you have one rather bustling household.


The self-titled "throuple" insist their unorthodox arrangement provides an excellent family environment, as with two partners, Lyons will "never have to leave my kids with someone I don't trust".


"We're just like any other family. Except in ours, there'll be one dad and two mums who live under the same roof - and there'll be nothing but love for our children." he told the Daily Mail.


"Dante and Oliver will grow up seeing Adam, Jane and I being affectionate and caring for each other. I think that's amazing."


Lyons discovered his passion for polyamory when he and his ex-wife agreed to spice things up with an open marriage.


After several dalliances with other women, he met openly bisexual Shedd through his wife, and the pair instantly hit it off.


When he and his wife's relationship came to an amicable end in 2012, Lyons moved in with Shedd and her son.


The pair, who had decided they were keen to explore options outside of monogamy, soon met bisexual photographer Shalakhova at a club - and so the trio began.


"I had never experimented with polyamorous relationships but with Adam and Brooke, it felt so natural. They were two awesome people," said Shalakhova.


"It's like imagine you meet your soul mate. Now multiply that by two! It's twice the love."


Last year, they all bought a house they could live in together.


"Half of all marriages now end in divorce so most kids end up having more than one mum and one dad anyway," said Lyons, who was voted the least likely to ever get a girlfriend at high school (what a difference hindsight makes, eh?).


"Therefore, I don't think there's any problem with raising our children with three parents."


But it seems the trio still have some room to spare, as they're open to the possibility of a fourth lover - and Shalakhova hopes to add a third child to the mix in the future.



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