






发布者: Mia2011 | 发布时间: 2015-4-19 22:03| 查看数: 740| 评论数: 1|



The self-destructing photo messenger has been a social media staple since 2012, but 2014 was a breakthrough year for the once-outlandish startup idea from three Stanford undergrads. Snapchat surged in popularity earlier this year, boasting over 700 million photos daily by May 2014, up from 20 million per day in 2012. And in the Facebook- and Twitter-dominated social media scene, Snapchat also shed its reputation as a second-tier player this year, scoring a mind-blowing $10 billion valuation in August and launching its first ads in a savvy monetization move in October。

由三名斯坦福学生开发的Snapchat这款“阅后即焚”式的照片分享应用2012年上线,在2014年实现了巨大突破。今年早些时候Snapchat用户暴增,截止5月份每天共有超过7亿照片通过Snapchat 分享,而在2012年这一数据仅为2千万。在 Facebook、Twitter主导社交媒体的情况下,Snapchat也为自己赢得了一席之地。

2. Uber优步

The on-demand car service's popularity spike in 2014 didn’t arrive

without a full tank of controversy. Numerous Uber critics in cities around the world, including London and San Francisco, staged protests against the service this year, making allegations about Uber’s anti-competitive policies and its lack of safety, though the demonstrations didn’t do much. The company, a $17 billion enterprise known for its special, limited-time perks, also made headlines after its primary competitor, Lyft, accused it of playing dirty and when its own employees protested over fare cuts。


3. WhatsApp

The hugely successful messenger app reported over 600 million monthly users in August, up by 100 million since April, securing its position as the world’s most popular chat app. WhatsApp was acquired by Facebook in October for about $22 billion, on par with the value of Alibaba’s record-breaking IPO and vastly overshadowing Facebook’s $1 billion acquisition of Instagram。

今年8月,这个大获成功的通讯应用程序已经拥有超过6亿用户,四月以来增长了100万,确保了其作为世界上最流行的聊天应用程序的地位。 10月份,Facebook以220亿美元的价格收购了WhatsApp,这个数字堪比阿里巴巴[微博]上市之后的市值,也大大超过了Facebook收购Instagram的10亿美元。

4. Venmo

The mobile payment service used to split restaurant bills and eliminate IOUs took millennials’ smartphones by storm in 2014 after its parent company, Braintree, was acquired by eBay in late 2013. eBay CEO John Donahoe said in April that Venmo had “explosive growth on college campuses,” so much that the word “Venmo” is now being used as a verb—”just Venmo me”—following in the footsteps of Google, whose name is now a Oxford Dictionary-certified word。

这项移动支付服务可以用于分账和还账。2013年末,其母公司Braintree被 Bay收购。2014年,每个千禧一代的智能手机上都有Venmo。eBay的首席执行官John Donahoe表示,Venmo“在大学生中实现了爆炸式增长”,“Venmo”现在和Google一样被用作动词。“Google”一词已经被牛津词典收录。

5. Flappy Bird

If there was one game that matched Candy Crush’s addictiveness, it was Flappy Bird. While the game was released in 2013, Flappy Bird flew to the top of the charts in early 2014 as millions of users around the world flocked to the game for its old-school interface and simple objective. In February, however, the game’s developer, Dong Nguyen, fittingly took to Twitter to make one of the year’s most upsetting and inexplicable announcements: that he “cannot take this anymore” and was discontinuing Flappy Bird, which then disappeared from the App Store。

如果有一个游戏可以和Candy Crush相媲美,那一定是Flappy Bird。Flappy Bird在2013年推出,在2014年年初飞到排行榜榜首。因为这款游戏的界面复古、目标简单,全球数百万用户蜂拥而至。但在今年二月,这款游戏的开发者阮哈东在Twitter宣布Flappy Bird将从应用商店下架。

6. Hinge

While the dating app was released last year, Hinge sparked a flame in 2014 as it spread to more and more cities around the U.S. The app provides “like” or “dislike” functions similar to its main competitor, Tinder, but it doesn’t just let anyone within a specified radius appear on your screen. Hinge’s matchmaking connects to your Facebook account to foster friend-of-a-friend connections, a novel concept in a sea of dating apps that prioritize immediate, nearby and mostly anonymous relationships。


7. PhotoMath

The magic calculator app shot to the top of the App Store in October after masses of mathematically-disinclined students were wooed by its futuristic abilities: users snap a photo of a math problem and PhotoMath outputs step-by-step solutions. While PhotoMath doesn’t yet support hand-written equations or high-level math topics, upgrades are in the works so that it can expand its user base beyond young students。


8. Rooms

Facebook quietly launched its most mysterious product to date in October: a standalone social media app called Rooms, in which users join anonymous chat rooms to discuss common interests. Like Slingshot and Paper, Rooms was developed under a Facebook initiative to design more apps that facilitate new ways of communication. Still, the app faces substantial challenges in establishing a user base—it hasn’t yet cracked the Top 100 in the App Store—but it holds a special appeal in that what’s new about Rooms is decidedly old: a throwback to the early years of social networking, when everything was more anonymous yet somehow more personal。

10月,Facebook悄然推出了迄今为止最神秘的产品:一个名叫Rooms的独立社交媒体应用程序,用户可以加入匿名聊天室讨论共同关心的话题。和Slingshot 、Paper一样,Facebook开发Rooms是为了设计更多的应用程序以增加沟通方式。不过,Rooms在建立用户群方面面临很大的挑战:目前它在应用程序商店还没有进入前100。但是它拥有自己特殊的吸引力—旧即是新:回到社交网络的最初阶段,一切都更加匿名更加私密。

9. 2048

The mobile and online game was the brainchild of a 19-year-old Italian web developer who controversially drew from the objectives of similar sliding puzzles for his simple app: add together tiles of 2 and 4, and try to get to 2048. Unlike more sophisticated mobile games, 2048 was an instant sensation and logged millions of downloads in its first week. 2048 also has an open source code, which prompted other developers to create an endless stream of spinoffs in which the tiles’ numbers can be replaced with images。

这款移动和在线游戏是一个19岁的意大利网页开发工程师发明的,他从类似的滑动拼图游戏中获得灵感:不断叠加2和4尝试拼凑出2048这个数字。和很多成熟的手机游戏不同,2048一炮而红,上线第一周就有数百万的下载量。 2048还开放了源代码,鼓励其他开发人员发明源源不断的衍生产品,比如游戏里方块的数字可以用图像代替。

10. Kim Kardashian: Hollywood

The reality star’s smartphone game, released this summer, found its way to the top of the charts in the same way critics think Kim did: Kim Kardashian: Hollywood got famous for being famous. The game reportedly made Kardashian nearly $100 million this year. As with Kim, the game drew a crowd of haters—including a mom of an 11-year-old gamer—alongside a crowd of die-hard Kim fans, even winning a batch of male admirers as the video game reminded everyone of the sheer power of the Kardashian brand。



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