






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2015-4-20 13:32| 查看数: 729| 评论数: 0|

“Leonardo and the Ideal of Beauty,” which opens Wednesday at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, has a blockbuster title and an unusually high concentration of drawings by Leonardo da Vinci. But it promises to be a small, thoughtful show. Its 11 Leonardos include a codex page concerned with the flight of birds that harbors a newly discovered self-portrait in red chalk and the acclaimed study for the angel in “The Virgin of the Rocks” that is almost a mini-lexicon of drawing techniques, refined to loose.
“莱昂纳多与美之理想”(Leonardo and the Ideal of Beauty)展览将于周三在波士顿美术馆开幕。这次展览有个震撼的名字,集中展出了莱昂纳多·达·芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci)的素描画作。不过,这同时也是个有创见的小型展览。其中的11幅达·芬奇素描几乎堪称一部素描技巧的小型词典,从精密到松散的技法应有尽有,其中有一幅是飞翔的鸟儿,绘在一页笔记本上,当中还隐藏了一幅新发现的红粉笔自画像;另有一幅据称是为《岩间圣母》(The Virgin of the Rocks)上的天使打的草稿。

Also included will be 19 other drawings, most attributed to the master in concert with members of his workshop or to other Leonardeschi who adopted his style. And for further comparison there will be seven sheets by Michelangelo, that other peak of Renaissance achievement, who lived to help ring in the Baroque. All loans are from Italian institutions. Careful label-reading will reveal gradations and varieties of attribution. Careful looking could aid a much-needed understanding and revival of connoisseurship. (Through June 14, mfa.org.)


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