






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2015-4-29 08:40| 查看数: 692| 评论数: 1|

The death toll from Nepal’s worst earthquake in 80 years rose to about 3,800 yesterday, with 6,500 injured, as rescuers struggled to reach remote hill villages while Kathmandu’s small airport was overwhelmed by flights carrying relief supplies.
Nepalese media said rescue teams had failed to reach some villages in northern Gorkha, near the earthquake’s epicentre, by yesterday afternoon, more than 48 hours after the 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck on Saturday. Overnight rain and fresh landslides hindered rescue attempts.
However, international efforts to assist the stricken Himalayan nation were gathering momentum. Search-and-rescue teams from India, China, Pakistan, the US, Israel and the Netherlands are on the ground, with more from the UK, Finland and Japan expected shortly. The squads are carrying emergency relief supplies and using specially trained dogs to search for people trapped in the rubble.
Kathmandu’s tiny Tribhuvan International Airport has struggled to keep pace with the volume of air traffic, with many aircraft forced to circle for hours before landing.
加德满都特里布万国际机场(Tribhuvan International Airport)是个很小的机场,很难应对如此巨大的空中交通量,许多飞机在着陆前不得不盘旋数个小时。
Many commercial flights from India, carrying relief supplies and anguished Nepalis hoping to aid distressed relatives, were diverted or cancelled because of the congestion.
Meanwhile, Nepali helicopter pilots took advantage of improved weather to ferry climbers stranded on Mount Everest back to safety following an avalanche triggered by the quake.
Further west, aerial surveys of the worst affected valleys, carried out jointly by Indian Air Force helicopters and Nepali military officials, revealed widespread devastation.
“Helicopters found village after village in remote Himalayan valleys completely flattened by the quake,” Kunda Dixit, editor of the Nepali Times, wrote on a blog. “Tens of thousands of people are without shelter and in urgent need of medical attention.”
“直升机在边远的喜马拉雅山山谷发现了一个又一个被地震夷为平地的村庄。”尼泊尔时报(Nepali Times)主编孔达•迪克西特(Kunda Dixit)在博客上写道,“数万人失去住所,急需医疗救助。”
More than 900 of the deaths have occurred in or near Kathmandu, according to police, who are waiting for earthmoving equipment to arrive so they can begin digging in the rubble in the hope of finding more survivors.
Thousands have been injured across Nepal and the UN Development Programme estimates more than 40 per cent of the country’s land mass has been affected. About 6.6m of Nepal’s 28m people live in the earthquake zone. Binod Bhattarai and Victor Mallet in Kathmandu and Amy Kazmin in Delhi
尼泊尔全境内有数千人受伤,联合国开发计划署(UN Development Programme)估计,该国境内逾40%的土地都受到了地震影响。尼泊尔2800万人口中有约660万人在地震带上生活。


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