






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2015-5-17 11:19| 查看数: 859| 评论数: 2|


Fallen angels refer to companies whose stocks are currently low in price, but perhaps only temporarily.


These companies are good companies with solid records and performances most of the time but which have recently fallen on hard times – hence fallen angels.


Angels are celestial beings who live with God in heaven, according to the Christian religion. Angels, unlike humans, have wings and can fly and they are kind and beautiful.


Usually that is. As angels can also err, or sin and do evil, like God's lesser creatures, humans, can on earth. These erring angels are called fallen angels because God drove them out of heaven, just as He drove Adam and Eve out of Eden.


We may not understand the logic of the Christian God, but anyways fallen angels are the bad apples. More precisely they are fallen heroes, good guys who have made mistakes and are currently having a rough time.


Therefore, when companies in the stock market are likened to fallen angels, we understand that these companies were once good, are generally good and, given time and another chance, they may be good again.



Neither a bull or bear market, the wolf market is characterized by a tight trading range, increased volatility, high stock correlations and quick reversals. Choppy trading makes it hard to pick stocks based on fundamental qualities, leaving shorter-term options and technical analysis better tools for navigating the ups and downs.


Its coiner, Michael Purves, chief global strategist at BGC Financial said a wolf is clearly a smaller animal than a bull or a bear, but it's very quick and decisive.


The wolf market may continue, until economic recovery accelerates or another catalyst prompts the market to find its footing.


A deer market is characterized by low activity, with timid investors waiting for a sign of which way the market is going to move.


The term is used to illustrate the market when investors are unable or unwilling to move due to uncertainty - like deer that freeze when caught in the headlights of a vehicle.




Shanghai Composite Index 上证综合指数

Shenzhen Component Index 深证成份股指数

Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index 香港恒生指数

A-share market A股市场

B-share market B股市场

bourse 证券交易所

trading 交易,买卖

turnover 成交额

trading volume 交易额,成交量

weighting 权重

morning session 早盘

afternoon session 午盘

insider trading 内幕交易

trader 交易者

speculator 投机者

investor 投资者

broker 证券经纪人

brokerage 券商

margin finance account 保证金融资账户

securities regulator 证券监管机构


surge 大涨

gain 上涨

soar 飞涨

climb 攀升

rally 回升

buoy 提振

bullish 看涨的;上扬的

fund inflow 资金流入

outperform 跑赢(大盘)

hover 徘徊

return 收益,回报

pick up 回升

edge up 微升


slump 暴跌

tumble 暴跌

slip 下跌

retreat 下跌

fall 下跌

drop 下降

decline 下降

bearish 看跌的,下跌的

lose ground 下跌

edge down 微降

dip 微降


lsjia2008 发表于 2015-5-18 06:22:39
lsjia2008 发表于 2015-5-19 06:25:20
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