






发布者: david | 发布时间: 2015-6-5 23:06| 查看数: 865| 评论数: 1|

“I want to be successful.”


The difference between the successful people and the unsuccessful people of the world comes down to their different habits. Success is a selfish thing. It’s all about yourself. You want the fame, you want the money, you want the power, you want the happy life. Let’s take a look at what successful people do.


Picture by MetEdge,LLC

Successful people:

  • Compliment(赞美他人)

  • Forgive others(宽容大度)

  • Accept responsibility for their futures(为未来负责)

  • Keep a journal(写日记)

  • Want others to succeed(希望他人成功)

  • Keep a “to-be” list(把要做的事列个清单)

  • Set goals and develop life plans(设立目标并计划人生)

  • Continuously learn(不断学习)

  • Operate from a tranformational perspective(做事不会一成不变)

  • Hoarde information and data(积累信息及资料)

  • Embrace change(敢于改变)

  • Exude joy(显露快乐)

  • Exchange information and data(交换信息和资料)

  • Talk about ideas(谈论创意)

  • Read everyday(每天阅读

  • Give other people credit for their victories(赞誉别人的胜利)

  • Have a sense of gratitude(有感激之心)

Unsuccessful people

  • criticize: They will find something wrong with everything and will talk about your failures and not your successes. They will be the negative voice that doesn’t believe in anything and is always narrow-minded.

  • blame others for their failures:They always look for excuses and reasons why something didn’t happen, rather than looking into what they did wrong.

  • Unsuccessful people think they know it all:They are stubborn and don’t know what they want to be:They have no direction.


Picture by MetEdge,LLC

On the other hand, unsuccessful people tend to:

  • Criticize(批评他人)

  • Hold a grudge(心生怨恨)

  • Blame others for their failures(指责别人的失败)

  • Say they keep a journal but don’t(说写日记,其实不然)

  • Think they know it all(自以为了解一切)

  • Operate from a transactional perspective(?)

  • Secretly hope others fail(暗自希望他人失败)

  • Don’t know what they want to be(不知道自己想要成为什么样的人)

  • Never set goals(从类没有目标)

  • Exude anger(显露怒气)

  • Talk about people(对别人评头论足)

  • Fly by the seat of their pants(做事情想当然)

  • Fear change(害怕改变)

  • Take all the credit of their victories(夸耀自己的胜利)

  • Have a sense of entitlement(有争名夺利之心)

So you should

  • Compliment.

  • Talk with positivity.

  • Don’t keep negativity in your life.

  • Understand everything is about experience.

  • Always ask questions

  • Look to get more and more information.

  • Take responsibility for your actions.

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