






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2015-6-17 08:14| 查看数: 1538| 评论数: 0|

Most of us like to make our own choices on matters of life, death and money — and if we cannot decide for ourselves, we would rather turn to a human expert for
guidance than to an impersonal
Professionals of flesh and blood are supposed to have a healthy sense of responsibility and, when caught in a dark corner, they can often illuminate the way out with a creative spark.
That our fate might one day lie
with deterministic algorithms is for many people a frighteningly dystopian vision.
It is a prejudice we would do well to overcome. In a world awash with digital information, algorithms are better than people at analysing complex interactions. What they lack in creativity, they more than make up for in consistency and speed.
Consider aviation, where mistakes are often deadly. In the 1960s engineers figured out a way to address a particularly common and catastrophic type of pilot error. Sitting in the cockpits of mechanically sound aircraft, while flying at the right speed and maintaining full control, they would crash into a mountainside or the sea, apparently oblivious to whatever had gone wrong.
Such accidents, which often resulted in the loss of everyone on board, have since been all but eliminated. The ground proximity warning systems now fitted to commercial aircraft can see obstacles that pilots cannot, thanks to comprehensive terrain maps and sensors that work even in darkness and bad weather. As important, they keep track of the aircraft’s position and predict its path, so they are not caught out by hard-to-detect dangers such as terrain that is rising faster than an aircraft immediately after take-off. And, unlike pilots, they are never distracted by other urgent matters, such as a failing engine or an instruction from air traffic control.
看看人们对于无人驾驶汽车安全性的焦虑,即使美国国家公路交通安全管理局(National Highway Traffic Safety Administration)发现,人为失误,而非机械故障,才是美国每年发生的几乎所有交通事故的“关键性因素”。人们似乎依然更为信任其他人类(尽管他们知道人的逻辑和行为是有缺陷的),而不信任以一种不带任何偏见的方式运作的硬件和软件。
In fields as wide ranging as medical diagnosis, meteorology and finance, dozens of studies have found that algorithms at least match — and usually surpass — subjective human analysis. Researchers have devised algorithms that estimate the likelihood of events such as a particular convict lapsing back into crime after being released from custody, or a particular business start-up going bust. When they pitted the predictive powers of these programs against human observers, they found that the humans did worse.
当然,偏见是人类难以避免的逻辑错误的又一个例子。这种现象甚至还有一个名称——算法厌恶症,这个词是3名宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)的研究者在2014年发明的。他们发现,即使看到在使用同样的数据时算法做出的预测比人更为准确,试验对象仍然更容易对程序失去信任,而不是对人类预测者失去信任。而按照逻辑判断,结果应该与此相反。显然,我们更情愿接受我们自身可预见的错误,而不是信任一种显然更有优势的方法。
And that, presumably, was on a good day. Aside from their systematic failings, people get sick, tired, distracted and bored. We get emotional. We can retain and recall a limited amount of information under the very best of circumstances. Most of these quirks we cherish, but in a growing number of domains we no longer need to tolerate the limitations they entail. Nor do we have much to gain from doing so. Yet we seem determined to persevere, tending to forgive “human error” while demanding infallibility from algorithms.
Witness the hand-wringing over the safety of driverless cars, even though the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration finds that human error — not mechanical failure — represents the “critical factor” in nearly all of the traffic accidents that occur in the US each year. People, it seems, would rather place their trust in other humans — whose logic and behaviour they know to be flawed — than in hardware and software that operates in a bias-free way.
This bias is, of course, just another instance of the logical error that humans struggle to avoid. There is even a name for it: “algorithm aversion”, a term three University of Pennsylvania researchers coined in a 2014 study. Even after witnessing algorithms make more accurate predictions than humans when using identical data, they found, test subjects were quicker to lose trust in the programs than in the human forecasters. Logically, the reverse should have been true. Apparently, we are more willing to live with our own predictable mistakes than to place our trust in a demonstrably superior method.
本文作者是算法投资管理公司Two Sigma的联合主席
Humans have a long record of rejecting new evidence as paradigms shift in uncomfortable ways. It probably does not help that we were raised on dystopian science fiction, or that public intellectuals keep asserting that artificial intelligence — shorthand, an old joke goes, for almost anything a computer cannot yet do — could cause the demise of the human race.


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