






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2015-6-23 13:30| 查看数: 504| 评论数: 0|

WASHINGTON — Growing numbers of Americans are going cashless, but demands to finally put a woman on paper currency persist. And now the Treasury has announced that a portrait of a woman, to be determined soon, will grace the $10 bill.
The note will continue to have some image, also to be determined, of the current $10 honoree, Alexander Hamilton, a founding father (there were, of course, no mothers) and Treasury secretary to President George Washington (he of the $1 bill). Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew, who by law makes the selection of an honoree, will disclose his choice by the end of the year. The new note will appear in 2020 — the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote.
财政部还决定保留现有的10美元钞票人物:建国先贤之一(这一行列并不包括女性)、曾担任财政部长的亚历山大‧汉密尔顿(Alexander Hamilton),但采用哪幅肖像则尚未定下来。汉密尔顿担任财长时的上司是1美元钞票上的乔治‧华盛顿总统。财政部长雅各布‧J‧卢(Jacob J. Lew)会依法选定获选登上新钞的人物,并在今年年底公布选择结果。新钞会在2020年发行,以纪念给予女性投票权的第19号修正案出台100周年。
The only criterion under law is that the chosen person must be dead, but the Treasury said Mr. Lew was looking for a woman “who was a champion for our inclusive democracy.” That would include the abolitionist Harriet Tubman, who was the top choice on social media of a campaign to put a woman on the $20 bill.
目前法律仅规定印上货币上的人物必须不在人世,但财政部表示,部长寻找的女性人选是“曾为我们的包容性民主制度而奋斗的勇士”。这样的人选包括废奴运动人士哈丽特‧图曼(Harriet Tubman)。在社交媒体推动女性登上20美元钞票的运动中,她也是人们最希望获选的女性。
Putting a woman on paper notes is certain to be an honor more long-lived than that accorded two history-making women whose images were put on coins. Susan B. Anthony, the social reformer, appeared on silver dollars minted from 1979 to 1981, and again in 1999, and Sacagawea, the Shoshone guide to the Lewis and Clark expedition, was featured on gold-colored dollar coins from 2000. Both coins, which were often confused with quarters, proved unpopular, and production of them was stopped.
让女性登上纸钞的殊荣,绝对比另两位女性历史人物登上硬币的经历更具持久性。社会改革人士苏珊‧B‧安东尼(Susan B. Anthony)曾经出现在1979年到1981年铸造的1美元银币上,在1999年则再次发行;担任刘易斯与克拉克远征队(Lewis and Clark expedition)向导的肖肖尼族女子萨卡加维亚(Sacagawea)曾出现在2000年后铸造的1美元金色硬币上。但两款硬币经常与25美分的硬币混淆、流通不广,都已停止发行。
Faces on bills have not changed since 1929, when Andrew Jackson replaced Grover Cleveland on the $20 note. Basic currency designs date to that time; redesigns occur every decade or so to deter counterfeiting.
纸钞上的面孔自1929年以来不曾有过改变。当年安德鲁‧杰克逊(Andrew Jackson)的脸孔代替了格罗弗‧克利夫兰(Grover Cleveland)印上20美元钞票。纸币的基本设计就来自那一时期,但每十年都为防伪而进行重新设计。
For the latest change, the Treasury has invited the public to use the hashtag #TheNew10 “to spread the word about the redesign.” Also, Mr. Lew and other officials will solicit the public’s ideas in round-table discussions and town-hall meetings.
The note will include tactile features to make it easier for people who are blind or visually impaired to identify the bill.
Senator Jeanne Shaheen, Democrat of New Hampshire, had introduced legislation to put a woman on the $20 bill, and she wrote to President Obama this month urging him to use his power to that end. “While it might not be the $20 bill, make no mistake: This is a historic announcement,” Ms. Shaheen said in a statement.
新罕布什尔州民主党参议员珍妮‧沙欣(Jeanne Shaheen)此前一直推动立法,让女性印上20美元钞票。她本月还写信力劝奥巴马总统动用职权,达成这一目标。她在声明中表示:“就算不是20美元钞票,这毫无疑问也是一个具有历史意义的声明。”


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