






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2015-7-24 12:14| 查看数: 2290| 评论数: 0|

630921cf104743c88c607d8cd3a6aa1a.jpg 投毛巾、拧毛巾、清清爽爽的英文怎么说呢?洗脸的工作每天要做两次,学会这些英文,宝宝英语启蒙从细节做起。

I. Applicable for babies aged 0-3 who use wet / moist towels to clean their faces 适用于用湿毛巾擦脸的0~3岁小宝宝

1. 妈妈要把手洗干净,再给你洗脸,这样才卫生啊。

Mummy needs to wash her hands first before washing your face. This is more hygienic.

2. 妈妈给你接点儿水,摸摸你的小盆里的水热不热。哦,太烫了,需要加点凉水进来。

Mummy will run the tap for you. Let me check the water temperature in your little basin. Oh, it's too hot. Let’s add some cold water.

3. 好了,下面开始洗脸了。我先把小毛巾放在水里浸湿投一投,再把毛巾拧干了。

Alright, now let’s wash your face. I will first soak your little towel in the water, rinse it, and wring it out.

4. 从眼角开始由里向外擦一擦。现在擦另外一只眼睛。擦擦小嘴和小脖子。最后,擦擦鼻子、把鼻屎弄掉。好了,宝贝现在清清爽爽的。

Let’s beginwith the inside corner of your eye, and wipe gently outwards to the outside corner of your eye. Now repeat with your other eye. Wipe your mouth and neck. Lastly, wipe your nose and clean away the booger.Now you are clean like a whistle.


5. 妈妈要给你抹油了,让你保持湿润,闻起来香香的。

Now Mummy will put some lotion on your face to keep you moisturized and smelling nice.


II. Applicable for children aged 3 and above who can wash their face by themselves 适用于三岁以上能自己洗脸的宝宝

1. 宝贝,走,咱们去卫生间洗脸了。稳稳地站上小凳子,这样你才能够得着洗手池。站好不要乱动。

Sweetheart, let’s go to the bathroom to wash your face. Stand on your stool firmly so that you can reach the sink. Don't move around and stand still.


2. 在洗脸之前,先把你的手手洗干净。先把手打湿一点洗手液,两只手互相搓一搓手心相对搓一搓,再分别用手心搓一下手背,最后十指交叉搓一下手指缝。好了,可以用水冲你的手手了。

Before washing your face, let's wash your hands clean. First, wet your hands, then squeeze small amounts of detergent / hand wash on your hands, and rub them together. Rub your hands palms to palm, and use the palm of one hand to rub the back of the other. Please repeat for the other side. Finally, interlace your ten fingers and rub between your fingers. Alright, now rinse your hands.


3. 好了,现在可以洗脸了。轻轻地打开水龙头,水开小点,别浪费水。你要是浪费水,贫穷国家的小朋友就没有水喝了,他们会很渴的。

We are now ready to wash your face. Turn the tap on slowly to draw a slow steady stream so that we don’t waste water. If you waste water, children in less fortunate countries will have no water to drink and will be very thirsty.


4. 先撩起一点水润湿你的小脸。洗洗眼睛,洗掉眼屎。你可以擤擤鼻涕如果你愿意的话,这样可以清洁一下鼻子/鼻孔。别忘了洗嘴,嘴角儿上都是口水

First, splash some water to wet your little face. Wipe your eyes to clean the sleep from your eyes. Blow your nose if you want to clear up your nose / nostril. Don’t forget to wipe the dried drool from the corner of your mouth.

5. 用毛巾把脸擦干,然后把毛巾挂在毛巾架上。

Use the towel to dry off your face and then hang up the towel on the towel rack.

156932cdb3cb7ad246a7ae3bad5b0642.jpg 6. 最后,抹点润肤油,保证你有个湿湿嫩嫩的皮肤。

Lastly, put some lotion on your face to make sure your skin is moisturized and tender.


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