






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2015-8-24 09:40| 查看数: 564| 评论数: 0|

France’s National Front (FN) has ousted its founder Jean-Marie Le Pen in an effort to shed its extremist image and increase its chances of taking power in the 2017 presidential election.

法国国民阵线(National Front)罢免了其创始人让-马里•勒庞(Jean-Marie Le Pen),试图消除其极端主义形象,提升在2017年总统选举中掌权的机会。

In a statement on Thursday night, the party said it had taken the decision to expel the 87-year-old veteran of French politics after a meeting lasting several hours, during which the executive board “deliberated and decided, by the required majority, to exclude Mr Jean-Marie Le Pen as a member”.


The decision is a clear victory for Marine Le Pen, the party’s current leader and Mr Le Pen’s daughter, who has been locked in a power struggle with her father.

这一决定是该党现任领导人、勒庞女儿马琳•勒庞(Marine Le Pen)的一次明确胜利。此前,马琳•勒庞与其父一直处于权斗之中。

Ms Le Pen, who has tried to present the party her father founded in 1972 as a more moderate force in French politics, decided that enough was enough in April when her father repeated comments about the Nazi gas chambers being a mere “detail” of history.


He also said that France should support Russia as part of a push to save what he described as the “white world”.


Following Thursday’s expulsion, Mr Le Pen told France’s iTélé news channel: “There is indignation; there is sadness. It’s always trying when one has the feeling of not having made any mistake, of having expressed one’s opinion as a politician.”


Frederic Joachim, Mr Le Pen’s lawyer, called the move “a political assassination”.

让-马里•勒庞的律师弗雷德里克•若阿基姆(Frederic Joachim)称此举是“一次政治上的刺杀”。

Mr Le Pen is likely to appeal against the decision in court. He has resorted to legal action several times in recent months with some success.


A former foreign legionnaire, Mr Le Pen has long been a prominent figure in national politics and even reached the second round of the presidential election in 2002. He remains popular with a hardcore segment of the FN, which has long campaigned for tough rules on immigration.


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