






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2015-8-27 15:14| 查看数: 764| 评论数: 0|

A Russian military court has sentenced Oleg Sentsov, a Ukrainian film director, to 20 years in a labour camp, the second verdict in less than a week against a foreign national dragged into what critics liken to the Stalinist-era show trials.

俄罗斯一个军事法庭判处乌克兰电影导演奥列格•先佐夫(Oleg Sentsov)20年劳改,这是不到一周内第二起对外国公民的判罪。这些外国公民卷入的审判,被批评者比作斯大林时代的作秀式公审。

The judge in the south-western city of Rostov-on-Don delivered the sentence after declaring Mr Sentsov and Alexander Kolchenko, a Ukrainian leftwing social activist, guilty of plotting to organise a terrorist group in Crimea. Mr Kolchenko received 10 years’ hard labour.

在宣称先佐夫和亚历山大•科尔琴科(Alexander Kolchenko)犯有在克里米亚组织恐怖组织的罪行之后,俄罗斯西南城市顿河畔罗斯托夫(Rostov-on-Don)的法官公布了这一判决。科尔琴科是一名乌克兰左翼社会活动家,他在此案中被判10年苦役。

The case follows last week’s sentencing of Eston Kohver, an Estonian security agent kidnapped by Russia’s FSB from his own country’s territory, to 15 years in prison on charges of espionage. Ukrainian fighter pilot Nadiya Savchenko, who had been fighting in eastern Ukraine, is also being tried in Rostov-on-Don for alleged murder after she was seized and brought to Russia.

就在该案判决之前,上周俄罗斯还曾以间谍罪判处艾斯顿•科沃尔(Eston Kohver)15年有期徒刑。科沃尔是一名爱沙尼亚安全部门特工,被俄罗斯联邦安全局(FSB)在爱沙尼亚领土上绑架。此外,曾在乌克兰东部作战的乌克兰战斗机飞行员纳季娅•萨夫琴科(Nadiya Savchenko),也在被捕后被带往俄罗斯,因被控谋杀而在顿河畔罗斯托夫接受审判。

The trials are throwing a spotlight on what Russian legal professionals say is a reversion to the politicised trials and trumped-up evidence common under Soviet dictator Josef Stalin in the 1930s — something Russian defendants have been enduring for more than a decade.

这些审判令人们关注到被俄罗斯法律界专业人士称为倒退的现象。他们称这些审判正退回到政治化审判和捏造证据,这些现象在上世纪30年代苏联独裁者约瑟夫•斯大林(Josef Stalin)的时代十分常见。当时,这样的待遇俄罗斯的被告人曾承受了超过十年。

Criticising Tuesday’s verdict, Federica Mogherini, the EU’s foreign policy chief, said: “Russian courts are not competent to judge acts committed outside the internationally recognised territory of Russia. The EU considers the case to be in breach of international law and elementary standards of justice. The EU continues to call on the Russian Federation to immediately release Mr Sentsov and Mr Kolchenko and to guarantee their safe return to Ukraine.”

先佐夫出生在克里米亚,曾积极参与乌克兰基辅独立广场入欧(Euromaidan)运动。那次运动导致乌克兰前总统维克托•亚努科维奇(Viktor Yanukovich)被罢免。这位39岁导演的首部成名长篇电影是《游戏者》(Gamer),该影片讲述了一位通过玩电脑游戏逃离现实的乌克兰男孩的故事。

“This has nothing to do with proper criminal proceedings and should not be discussed in terms of criminal justice,” said Kirill Koroteev, senior lawyer at the human rights organisation Memorial. “It is certainly relatively new to the system that this is being applied to foreign nationals, but in general, the absence of justice in criminal cases has long been the rule.”


Amnesty International rejected Mr Sentsov’s trial as “fatally flawed”, noting that credible complaints from the defendants about torture were ignored by the court. “This whole trial was designed to send a message. It played into Russia’s propaganda war against Ukraine and was redolent of Stalinist-era show trials of dissidents,” said Heather McGill, Eurasia Researcher at Amnesty International.


Born in Crimea, Mr Sentsov was heavily involved in Ukraine’s Euromaidan protest movement, which ousted former president Viktor Yanukovich. The 39- year-old director’s first feature-length film was Gamer, a story about a Ukrainian boy who escapes reality by playing computer games.


Mr Sentsov and Mr Kolchenko, along with two other Ukrainians, were arrested in Crimea in May last year after Russia’s annexation of the peninsula and accused of setting fire to the offices of two Russian organisations and plotting other violent attacks — charges they deny. During Russia’s annexation of Crimea from Ukraine, the two men had sent food to Ukrainian soldiers surrounded in their bases by Russian special forces.


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