






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2015-9-1 08:14| 查看数: 861| 评论数: 1|

What is behind global financial markets’ extreme moves since China’s decision to allow its currency to move to a managed float? One explanation is that investors increasingly fear that global disinflation is not a dragon that has been slain by muscular central bank measures, but a phoenix that is rising from the ashes.


Certainly the direct impact of the renminbi fall on US and European inflation and economic activity — even if it extends to 10 per cent — is too small to justify the large falls in bond yields and inflation gauges. The renminbi’s weight in the trade-weighted dollar and euro is about 20 per cent and, as a rule of thumb, a 10 per cent rise in the trade-weighted dollar and euro takes about 0.5-0.6 per cent off inflation and real GDP growth over 18 months. So even if the renminbi is devalued by 10 per cent, the effect would be to cut US and European inflation and growth by only


10 or 20 basis points over a year, other things being equal.


The same is true of the fresh fall in commodity prices. Yes, further weakness in commodities also weakens the near-term inflation outlook. But such falls wash out of year-on-year inflation data over time as base effects roll forwards. And they amount to a tax cut for G10 producers and consumers. So although the renewed fall in commodity prices is striking, and its near-term effects undoubtedly significant, how it can directly justify a fall in long-term yields and inflation forwards is difficult to see.


Nonetheless long-term bond yields and inflation forwards in the US and Europe have been falling quite dramatically. Since the end of June, 30-year US Treasury yields, which should reflect investors’ expectations for long-term inflation and economic growth, have fallen 50bp. And this in spite of the fact that two-year yields, which reflect expectations for the path of official interest rates, have barely changed.


One possible explanation for the bond and inflation markets’ behaviour is that it is a short-term “risk-off” move, together with the correction in stock markets, in thin summer trading, with consensus trades (short bonds, short US against Europe, long inflation) suffering most. But what if the explanation is that investors are growing more fearful that disinflation pressures are secular rather than cyclical, with weakening in China’s currency just the latest in a series of unsettling factors? There have been other signals that disinflationary forces are still with us.


Pay growth in the US and UK, where rate rises are expected before anywhere else, remains sluggish in spite of falling unemployment. Core consumer price inflation (excluding energy and food) also remains below central banks’ policy targets and is rising only slowly.


The change in bond yields is almost entirely the result of falling inflation expectations. Since the change in the Chinese currency regime, in both the US and the euro area the five-year forward inflation rate (favoured by central bankers as an indicator of medium-term inflation expectations) has given up more than half its gains since January.


It is likely that in the coming months renewed fears of disinflation or deflation will increase rather than diminish. Weaker commodity prices and the renminbi devaluation mean surveys of inflation expectations are more likely to show a fall than rise near term; and the medium-term trajectory for inflation will be lower than previously thought.


If so we could be in for a revival of the debate about whether central banks have the ability to overcome structural downward forces on prices, notably globalisation, technological change and demographics, to which we can add the after-effects of a global financial crisis.


With the cyclical upswing, particularly the falls in US and UK unemployment, this debate has been in abeyance. The implicit assumption has been that the combination of zero interest rates, quantitative easing and economic recovery would bring about a revival in inflation.


But this assumption is apparently being questioned. If that is the case, any decision to raise official interest rates could soon start to seem like a policy mistake.



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