






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2015-10-19 13:59| 查看数: 663| 评论数: 1|

Richard Bolles thinks there is a lot of rubbish spoken about robots. They are not, he insists, about to take our jobs. The current debate about the “end of work” due to automation is cyclical, he says. “It is pure nonsense, spoken by pundits looking for attention. Every job in the history of the world is born, flourishes, decays and dies. Every job is mortal.”

理查德•博尔斯(Richard Bolles)认为, 有关机器人,人们说了很多瞎话。他坚称,机器人不会夺走我们的工作。他说,目前有关自动化导致“工作终结”的辩论是周期性的。“完全是一派胡言,都是那些寻求关注的专家说的。历史上的每一种工作都要经历诞生、繁荣、衰落和消亡。每一种工作终究都有消亡的一天。”

He adds: “When people look for jobs and can’t find them they say the Chinese or robots are taking our jobs. New jobs get created.”


The 88-year-old is well placed to take the long view. As the author of the career search manual, What Color is Your Parachute, first published more than 40 years ago and updated annually, he is regarded — for good or bad — as the inventor of the careers advice industry.

现年88岁的博尔斯完全有资格放眼长远。他撰写的求职手册《你的降落伞是什么颜色?》(What Color is Your Parachute?)自40多年前首次出版以来每年都在更新,他被认为是——不管是好是坏——职业咨询行业的创始人。

Constant churn is an enduring feature of the job market, he notes. “If you emphasise what has disappeared it gives you one view of the world. If you emphasise new aspects you get a different perspective.” He is inured to anxiety about changes in the workplace. “People say something is new. I just say, you haven’t noticed it before.”


The outward form of job hunting has evolved due to technology, he says. “You used to look in the classifieds in your newspaper and now you go online.” But the essence of job hunting has never changed, he insists. Job interviews are like dating, he says. “You like me, I like you. That never changes,” observes the four-times married author.


One thing, of course, that has changed in the 40 years, is the recruitment and careers advice industry. When he first published What Color is Your Parachute? in 1970, there were two main competitors. The first was Executive Jobs Unlimited by Carl Boll, who had spent decades advising Harvard Business School graduates on finding employment and espoused the notion of selling yourself to an employer. Then came Richard Irish’s Go Hire Yourself an Employer , which demystified the recruitment process. Mr Bolles likes the competition that has grown over the decades. “Different voices reach different ears.”

当然,40年来发生变化的是招聘和职业咨询业。博尔斯1970年首次出版《你的降落伞是什么颜色?》的时候,这本手册有两个主要的竞争对手。一个是卡尔•博尔(Carl Boll)的《管理工作无极限》(Executive Jobs Unlimited),他数十年来为哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)的毕业生提供求职建议,支持“向雇主兜售自己”的观念。然后是理查德•艾里什(Richard Irish)所著的《给自己雇个雇主》(Go Hire Yourself an Employer),这本书揭开了招聘过程的神秘面纱。博尔斯喜欢数十年来不断发展的竞争。“不同的声音会传达到不同的人的耳中。”

He never planned a career of careers’ advice. After studying chemical engineering and physics, he went on to attend the General Theological Seminary in New York City. In doing so, he resisted his family’s journalism tradition (a path taken by his grandfather, father and brother, an investigative reporter murdered in 1976).

他从没计划过投身职业咨询业。在完成化学工程学和物理学的学业后,他去了纽约市的圣公会总会神学院(General Theological Seminary),没有遵循家族的记者传统(他的祖父、父亲和弟弟都走上了这条道路,担任调查新闻记者的弟弟在1976年遭到谋杀)。

In 1966, he became canon pastor of Grace Cathedral in San Francisco (he has remained in California ever since). However, two years later, when the church’s budget was cut amid waning congregations, it was felt, he says, that “someone needed to be terminated”. Or as he put it then, “I realised a canon needed to be fired.” That canon turned out to be him. Despite the humour today, at the time he felt “rotten”. With young children “it was a desperate time for me”, he reflects.

1966年,博尔斯成为了旧金山格雷斯大教堂(Grace Cathedral)的一名咏礼司铎,并从此留在了加利福尼亚州。然而两年后,随着教堂会众逐渐减少,教堂的预算被削减,他说感觉“有人需要被解雇了”。或者就像他当时所说的那样,“我意识到需要裁掉一名咏礼司铎。”结果这个咏礼司铎正是他自己。虽然现在听起来幽默,但当时他觉得“糟透了”。他回想道,他当时还有年幼的孩子们,“那段时间对我而言真是绝望”。

Soon, however, he got a job which he describes as a “roving shepherd” — attending to university ministers. There Mr Bolles found the most pressing issue was not spiritual guidance but to help them find jobs in the secular world. “Most people I spoke with were married with small children. They couldn’t go to college and retrain. So I had to find out how to change your career without going to college.”

但是很快他就得到了一份被他称为 “流动牧羊人”的工作——“照顾”大学里的牧师。在那里,博尔斯发现最紧迫的问题不是精神上的指导,而是帮助他们在世俗世界中找到工作。“与我交谈的大部分人都是结了婚有小孩的。他们无法上大学或者接受再培训。因此我不得不找出如何不上大学就能改换职业的方法。”

In the end, he had enough answers to write a book, which he self-published by running the pages through a photocopier. Dispatched to the campus ministers, the copies soon found their way to their bosses and beyond. In 1972, the book was acquired by a commercial publisher, Ten Speed Press, now owned by Penguin Random House. The title, by the way, was a throwaway joke. People would tell Mr Bolles: “Well, I’ve had it. I’m going to bail out.” To which his reply was: “OK, what colour is your parachute?”

最终他有了足够的答案并写了本书,用复印机复印的方式“自己出版”了。这些影印本派发给大学牧师后,又迅速传到了他们的上司和更多人手中。1972年,现属企鹅兰登书屋(Penguin Random House)旗下的出版商Ten Speed Press得到了这本书。顺带一提,这本书的名字是一个随口而出的笑话。人们告诉博尔斯:“我已经受够了。我要跳出这种困境。”他的回答是:“好吧,那你的降落伞是什么颜色的?”

Today, the book sells about 125,000 to 150,000 copies per year (both print and ebooks). The latest edition (2016) is just out. Aside from the US, the book has been most popular in Germany and Holland.


Yet, despite Mr Bolles’ assertion that little alters in the hunt for jobs, he concedes that there has been a “dramatic change” in employment: a rise in self-employment, short-term contracts and a simultaneous fall in staff investment. “Society has lost its ability to savour things. There is a hurry sickness.”


That people need to be more self-reliant has always been at the heart of his book but it is increasingly important now, he says. The guide calls for a “self-inventory”: outlining personal strengths and weaknesses. Mr Bolles believes that the school system pushes students into rigid definitions of their abilities.


One aspect of the book he underlines is the significance of older workers, an increasingly important cohort as longevity increases, he says. In order to combat prejudice from employers, he suggests the over-60s reduce salary expectations and convey energy. One thing he has observed about his


peers, he says, is that as people age they change their attitude to work. “They say, ‘I’m sick and tired of working to earn money.’ They tend to take a more spiritual path.”


Spirituality is, of course, important to Mr Bolles. And the appendix in this book is about finding the mission in life. Mr Bolles is unapologetic about this.


“I write and think and breathe as a Christian — as you might expect from the fact that I was an ordained Episcopalian minister.” He is relaxed about non-believers skipping this.


Mr Bolles, who declares his IQ to be in the top 1 per cent of the population, has no plans to retire. “I am endlessly curious. If you have that kind of curiosity about life, you can’t give up work.” He had foreseen one of his sons continuing his work, but sadly he died in 2012. Today, Mr Bolles is uncertain who might carry on the work. “God raised me up, it’s up to him to raise my successor.”


Later I find I am irked by his dating-job interview analogy and ask by email if he is really the person to give such advice, given his marital history. He sees no inconsistency. “I teach,” he tells me, that people “will have an average of eight careers during their lifetime. All they can do is decide what career is appropriate or even ideal for them in the present time.” Moreover, ending does not mean failure.


“Sometimes things come to an end exactly when they should.”


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