






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2015-11-4 09:34| 查看数: 1551| 评论数: 1|

The US will continue to conduct “routine” operations in the South China Sea, the head of the US Pacific Command told a Chinese audience on Tuesday, even as he called for closer ties between the American and Chinese militaries.

周二,美国太平洋司令部司令海军上将哈里•哈里斯(Admiral Harry Harris)对中国听众表示,美国将继续在南中国海展开“例行”行动,尽管他同时也呼吁美中两国军队加强联系。

Admiral Harry Harris said US naval operations near territory claimed by China were not “a threat to any nation” but were designed to defend freedom of navigation in international waters.


“We are making it clear that . . . military will continue to fly, sail and operate whenever and wherever international law allows,” he said in a speech at Peking University’s Stanford Center. “The South China Sea is not — and will not — be an exception.”


Adm Harris was speaking in Beijing a week after a US destroyer sailed within 12 nautical miles of an artificial island in the South China Sea that is claimed by China and where it is constructing an airfield that could have military use. China reacted angrily to the US exercise, accusing the US of interfering in territorial disputes.


The US navy says the mission, which it insists was a “freedom of navigation operation”, was not designed to challenge China’s land claims in the South China Sea, where five other countries also contest many of the islands and land features. Instead, the US says it wanted to show that artificial islands — such as the reclaimed land at Subi Reef where the USS Lassen sailed — do not confer rights to the seas surrounding them.

美国海军坚称这是一次“航行自由行动”,不是为了挑战中国在南中国海的领土声索。除了中国,还有五个国家声称对南中国海的许多岛屿和地物拥有主权。美国表示,它其实是想表明,人工岛——比如中国在渚碧礁(Subi Reef)填海造出的岛——不会使造岛方在岛屿周边水域拥有任何权利。美国拉森号(USS Lassen)驱逐舰驶近的就是渚碧礁。

Behind the sparring over international law is a broader contest between the US and China in the western Pacific. China’s ambitious programme of land reclamation in the South China Sea is one element of a strategy to slowly shift the balance of power in a region that has been dominated for seven decades by the US Navy.


Although Adm Harris, who earlier this year accused China of trying to create a “great wall of sand” in the South China Sea, issued a strong defence of the US operation last week, his remarks in Beijing were relatively restrained. He said it was important for US and Chinese military leaders to have “personal and candid conversations”.


Ashton Carter, US defence secretary, is expected to meet his Chinese counterpart General Chang Wanquan later on Tuesday on the sidelines of a meeting of Southeast Asian defence ministers in Kuala Lumpur and where the South China Sea will figure high on the agenda.

周二晚些时候,预计美国国防部长阿什顿•卡特(Ashton Carter)将利用在吉隆坡举行的东盟防长会议的间隙会晤中国国防部长常万全上将。南中国海问题将在此次会议议程中占据重要位置。


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