






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2015-11-19 08:31| 查看数: 751| 评论数: 1|

French police carried out a massive operation to the north of Paris on Wednesday morning as they appeared to be closing in on suspects involved in Friday’s terrorist attacks who have been the object of a Europe-wide manhunt.


French television showed images of dozens of police in Saint-Denis on the northern outskirts of the French capital and replayed audio of what appeared to be an exchange of heavy gunfire.


Several French media sources, including AFP, reported that Abdelhamid Abaaoud, believed to be the mastermind behind Friday’s attacks, was the target of the raids.


AFP also reported that between two and four people were holed up in an apartment, surrounded by police, and that several police had been wounded in the gunfire.


Witnesses said the operation had started at about 4.30am with explosions and heavy gunfire. Dozens of police are still at the scene — although there is currently no gunfire.

包括法新社(AFP)在内的几家法国媒体报道称,据信,阿卜杜勒哈米德•阿巴德(Abdelhamid Abaaoud)是上周五巴黎恐怖袭击案的策划者,是警方此次突击行动的目标。

The investigation into Friday’s deadly attacks in Paris spread across Europe on Tuesday, with security services in a number of countries racing to round up suspects as it emerged that French police were hunting not for one but possibly two surviving attackers.


Salah Abdeslam, a 26-year-old, remained the focus of a Europe-wide manhunt that has focused on the rundown Brussels district of Molenbeek where he lived.

26岁的萨拉赫•阿贝德斯拉姆(Salah Abdeslam)成为欧洲范围内追捕的主要目标,搜捕范围主要在他居住的布鲁塞尔破旧街区莫伦贝克。

Authorities have established that Mr Abdeslam’s brother, Ibrahim, blew himself up on the Boulevard Voltaire outside the Comptoir Voltaire Cafe on Friday night.

法国当局确认,阿贝德斯拉姆的哥哥易卜拉欣(Ibrahim)上周五晚在Comptoir Voltaire Cafe咖啡馆外的伏尔泰大道上引爆了自己身上的炸弹身亡。

But it emerged on Tuesday that they now believe another man, who has yet to be accounted for, may have accompanied them on a shooting rampage that evening in a black Seat Leon later found abandoned in a Parisian suburb.

但周二有消息称,他们现在认为。另一个警方尚未提供细节的男子可能当晚在一辆黑色西雅特Leon(Seat Leon)汽车内跟他们一起参与了射杀行动,这辆车后来被遗弃在巴黎郊区。

Even as many details remained unclear, the frenetic hunt underlined the cross-border dimensions of a plot that has left a trail from Isis’ Syrian base to Greece’s easternmost islands and a rundown Brussels immigrant neighbourhood.


There were growing signs that accomplices helped Mr Abdeslam to flee France in the aftermath of the attacks. A Renault Clio linked to the assailants was found parked in Paris’ 18th district.

越来越多的迹象表明,有同伙曾帮助阿贝德斯拉姆在恐怖袭击之后逃离法国。一辆与袭击者有关的雷诺Clio(Renault Clio)汽车被发现停在巴黎第18街区。

There were also indications that French authorities as far back as August had uncovered information that Isis was contemplating an attack on a concert hall.


A French jihadi who was captured by authorities on returning from Syria in August told them he had met there with Abdelhamid Abaaoud, a 27-year-old Belgian, whom he said had instructed him to target a concert venue.


Mr Abaaoud has subsequently been linked to aborted attacks on France’s Thalys high-speed train and a church earlier this year. He was also previously involved in a robbery in Brussels with one of the Abdeslam brothers. “He is a man who has grown in importance [within Isis],” a French intelligence official said.


French authorities said Mr Abdeslam had booked rooms in a hotel in the Alfortville suburb of Paris to serve as a safe house for the group ahead of the attacks, together with a flat in the Bobigny area.


In Austria, the interior ministry confirmed Mr Abdeslam entered Austria from Germany on September 9 with two other men it did not name, adding that inquiries were continuing to establish where he had stayed and for what purpose.


Later on Tuesday night US authorities said two Air France flights bound for Paris, one from Los Angeles and one from Dulles airport in Washington, were diverted after anonymous threats.

周二夜里晚些时候,美国当局表示,在匿名威胁发出后,两架从洛杉矶和华盛顿杜勒斯机场飞往巴黎的法航(Air France)班机改变了航线。

In Belgium, prosecutors on Tuesday charged two Belgian men — Hamza Attou and Mohammed Amri — with participation in a terrorist enterprise in connection with the Paris attacks.

在比利时,检方周二指控两名比利时男子哈姆扎•阿图(Hamza Attou)和穆罕默德•阿姆里(Mohammed Amri)参与了一起与巴黎恐怖袭击相关的恐怖主义行动。


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