






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2015-11-25 22:10| 查看数: 806| 评论数: 1|


1. Heto me, “I’m going to see a film.”

2. “May Ito Jack?” “Hold on a moment, please!”

3. Theywith each other, but I don’t know what they areabout.

4. Heme he was not at home last night..

5. Some Canadians canboth English and French.

6. It’s a bad habit tolies.

7. I have nothing to

8. I can’t the difference between the twins.

答案:1.says; 2.speak; 3.talk; 4.told; 5.speak; 6.tell; 7.say; 8.tell

注释:四个词都有“说”的意思,say强调说话的内容;speak to sb. 跟某人说话(常用用于电话用语中,如句2),speak 还可表示说某种语言;talk to/ with sb. 和某人聊天/ 谈话;tell“告诉”,常见句型—— tell sb. sth告诉某人某事,在句8中表示“分辨,辨别”的意思。

二、Hundredhundreds ofthousandthousands ofmillionmillions of:

1. There are sixpeople on the playground..

2.birds are in the park.

3.butterflies are dancing.

答案:1.hundred/ thousand/ million; 2.hundreds of/ thousands of/ millions of; 3.hundreds of/ thousands of; millions of

注释:hundred“百”, thousand“千”, million“百万”,都是数词,在表示具体数量时没有复数形式;hundreds of“数以百计的,成百上千的”,thousands of“数以千计的,成千上万的”,millions of“数百万的”


1. “_____ is he?” “He is a teacher.”

2. _____ does he do? He is a teacher.

3. _____ is he? He is our English teacher.

4. _____ do your parents do? They are both teachers.

5. _____ do you think the lady is? Maybe she is a nurse, I think.

答案“1.what; 2.what; 3.who; 4.what; 5.who

注释:who询问某人的身份,常用于句型”who + be + 某人?”,即“某人是谁?”;what询问人的身份或职业,用于句型”what do/ does/ did + 某人 + do?”,即“某人是干什么的?”


1. The tall boy jumps very_____

2. He lives in a _____ building.

3. There are _____ mountains around my hometown.

4. Yao Ming is 2.26meters _____

5. There is a _____ tree in front my house.

6. Look! Some birds are flying _____ up in the sky.

7. _____ price/ speed/ temperature.

答案:1.high; 2.tall/ high; 3.high; 4.tall; 5.tall/ high; 6.high; 7.high

注释:high, tall 都有“高”的意思,high只能指物高,tall能指人高也可指物高;高价格(速度,温度)山高都用”high”.

五、Mustn’tneedn’tdon’t need todon’t have to:

1. You mustn’t take this book out of the library. You can read it here.

2. Must I do my homework now?No, you needn’t.

3. Do I have to finish the work today? No, you don’t have to.

4. You must help your mother with the housework, mustn’t you?

5. Need you go to see a doctor?No, I needn’t.

6. You can go home now; you don’t need to clean the classroom.


注释:mustn’t“不准”,表示命令;needn’t = don’t need to“不必,没必要”,前者中的need是情态动词,否定直接在其后加not,后者中的need是行为动词,否定要在其前加否定的助动词“don’t/ doesn’t/ didn’t”;don’t have to “have to不得不,必须”的否定形式


1. Is there anything wrong with this computer?

2. There is nothing wrong with this computer.= there isn’t anything wrong with the computer.

3. She likes to do something different

4. How is everything going? Everything goes well.

5. She is beautiful, I agree. But beauty is not everything.

6. I want something to eat, anything will do.

7. He decided to go there. Nothing can stop him from doing it

答案:1.anything; 2.nothing/ anything; 3.something; 4.everything/ everything; 5.everything; 6.something/ anything; 7.nothing

注释:something“某事,某物”,常用于肯定句中,用于句型”would you like something to do?”中,表示希望得到对方肯定的回答;anything“任何事物”,用于肯定句,疑问句和否定句中;nothing“什么也没有”;everything“一切事物”,可用于任何句式。


七、Don’tdoesn’tnot tonotisn’twon’t:

1. The teacher told me _____ be late for school again

2. Will you please ______ draw on the wall?

3. Please ______ go across the road now.

4. The cake must be more delicious, _________?

5. Why ______ go out for a walk? = Why ______ you go out for a walk?

6. You’d better ______ sleep in class.

7. He’d rather ______ go to the party

8. He decided ______ go on a picnic with his class.

9. If it ______ rain tomorrow, we’ll have a sports meeting.

10. ______ forget to bring your homework to school. No, I______.

11. He will really work in the country, ______ he?

答案:1.not to; 2.——; 3.don’t; 4.isn’t it; 5.not/ don’t; 6.not; 7.not; 8.not to; 9.doesn’t; 10.don’t/ won’t; 11.won’t

注释:句1句8,tell sb. not to do sth.叫某人别做某事;句3否定的祈使句都用助动词do的否定形式”don’t”开头;句5句6,句型——why not do sth? = why don’t you do sth.? “为什么不----”(表建议)/ you’d better not do sth.“最好别做某事”;句7would rather not do sth.“宁愿不做某事”;句8,decide not to do sth.“决定不做某事”;句9,if引导条件状语从句,主句用将来时,从句则用一般现在时表将来;句10,前半句是否定的祈使句用”don’t”开头,后半句的意思是“是的,我不会(忘的)”;句11,反义疑问句中陈述句部分是肯定句,疑问句部分要用“相应动词的否定形式+主语”的句式,因为该句子中的动词是情态动词will,所以疑问部分要用其否定形式”won’t” + 主语。

八、Fewa fewlittlea little:

1. Is there any milk in the bottle?Yes, there is _______

2. Sorry, I can’t answer your question. I know ______ about this subject.

3. That film is not interesting, so ______ people like it.

4. Do you speak Japanese? Yes, but only _______

5. I’ve study Japanese for only ______ months.

6. Tom was ill yesterday, but he feels _______ better now.

7. All the students are busy, so ______ of them will go to the cinema.

8. Mr. White is very lonely. He has ______ friends, but he likes dogs and he has ______ in his house .he says his dogs eat much and drink ______

9. He is a man of ______ words, that is, he talks ______

10. In the past ______ years, there have been a lot of changes in my hometown.

11. There is _____ milk in this glass than in that one.

12. I picked ______ apples than you, but mine is better than yours.

答案:1.a little; 2.little; 3.few; 4.a little; 5.a few; 6.a little; 7.few; 8.few/ a few/ little; 9.a few/ little; 10.a few; 11.less; 12.fewer

注释:few“不多,很少”,修饰可数名词复数(比较级fewer/ 最高级fewest);little“数量少到几乎没有”修饰不可数名词(比较级less/ 最高级lest);a few“几个”,修饰可数名词复数;a little“一点,少量”,修饰不可数名词,此外,a little还可以放在形容词比较级前,通常翻译成“-----一点”,例如:a little better 好了一点/ a little smaller 小了一点。


1. You can ______ this book from the library.

2. I’ve ______ my bike to Li lei.

3. You mustn’t ______ this book to others. 4

4. You can _____ this book for two weeks.

5. May I _____ your pen?

6. How long may I _____ this book?

7. Will you ______ me your bike? = will you _____ your bike to me?

8. I have no money, can you _____ me some?

答案:1.borrow; 2.lent; 3.lend; 4.keep; 5.borrow; 6.keep; 7.lend/ lend; 8.lend

注释:这三个词都有“借”的意思,borrow指借进某物,常见搭配——borrow ---- from ----,从-----借进(某物);lend指借出某物,常见搭配——lend sth to -----,把某物借给-----;要表示某物借多久,则用keep,它是延续性动词,其他两个词都为瞬间动词。


1. A man _____ a woman is going to give us a talk.

2. He is too young to know how to read ______ write.

3. Hurry up, _____ we’ll be late for school. = if we don’t hurry up, we‘ll be late for school.

4. Think hard, _____ you’ll know the answer to the question. = if you think hard, you’ll know the answer to the question.

答案:1.or; 2.and; 3.or; 4.and



1. It’s going to rain, Peter. You’d better _____ this umbrella with you.

2. Thank you. It’s very kind of you. I’ll _____ it back when I come next time.

3. Look! The woman is ______ a baby in her arms.

4. Shall I _____ you some tea? No, thanks. I like coffee better.

5. Waiter, please _____ me some bread and a glass of milk.

6. When you go shopping, you must _____ some money with you.

7. He is ill. We must _____ him to hospital at once.

8. Sorry, I left my homework at home. I _____ it here tomorrow.

9. One finger can’t _____ a stone.

10. The drunken man is lying in the middle of the road. Let’s ______ him to a safe place.

答案:1.take; 2.bring; 3.carrying; 4.fetch; 5.fetch; 6.take; 7.carry; 8.bring; 9.lift; 10.carry



1. He drew ______ a nice horse.

2. Keep______, please.

3. I don’t ______ agree with you.

4. Let’s have a ______ meal.

答案:1.quite; 2.quiet; 3.quite; 4.quick


十三、So--- asas---as the same ----- as:

1. This car is _____ expensive _____ that one.

2. This car is ___________ that one.

3. Tom didn’t go to school _____ early _____ Kate.

4. This shirt is _________ size _____ that one.

5. You have _____ much money _____ she.

6. You use ________ dictionary ______ she does.

7. There are _____ many flowers in this garden _____ in that one.

8. I like to have friends who are __________ me.

答案:1.as --- as---; 2.the same as; 3.as ---- as ---; 4.the same ---- as ----; 5.so ---- as -----; 6.the same ----- as -----; 7. so ----- as ------; 8.the same as


1. He lives in a tall building in the _____ of Toronto.

2. Shanghai is the biggest______ in china.

3. Living in _____ is less healthy than living in the country.

4. He was born in a small _____ not far from the _____ of Changsha.

答案:1.city; 2.city; 3.town; 4.town;


十五、Anotherthe otherotherothers:

1. I don’t like this one. Will you show me ______ one?

2. All her _____ friends are waiting outside the door.

3. There are three books on the desk. One is mine, _______ two are yours.

4. Would you like ______ piece of cake?

5. The post office is on _______ side of the street.

6. There are many visitors in the park. Some are riding camels, ______ are taking photos.

7. Many students are in the classroom. Some are cleaning the windows, ______ are sweeping the floor.

8. You mustn’t lend this book to ______ . You can read it yourself.

9. We had fish, chicken, and some ______ delicious food for dinner.

10. ______ three bottles of beer, please. = Three ______ bottles of beer, please.

答案:1.another; 2.other; 3.the other; 4.another; 5.the other; 6.others; 7.others; 8.others; 9.other; 10.another/ other.

注释:another“另一(个),再一(个)”;other“其他的”,泛指;the other “其他的”,特指在某个具体范围内其他的某人或某物(试比较句3和句6);others “其他人,别人”。

十六、In front ofin the front ofin font :

1. The teacher is speaking to us ____________ the classroom.

2. The teacher is speaking to us ____________ us.

3. a lot of cars are parking _____________ the school when there is a parents meeting.

4. Six students are standing ______________ the classmates.

5. The driver was driving ______________ the bus when he saw a cow ___________ the bus.

6. There is a tall tree _____________ the house.

7. On the first lap, class three is_________.

答案:1.in the front of; 2.in front of; 3.in the front of; 4.in front of; 5.in the front of; 6.in front of; 7.in front

注释:in front of“在-----的前面”,指的是在某物以外的前面或在某人的前面,如句6——因为树是长在屋外的,所以用in front of;in the front of“在----的前面”,指的是在某物内部的前面,如句3——汽车是停在学校里面的,所以用in the front of;in front“在前面”后不能接某人或某物,用在be动词后表方位。


1. You must be more______. That car nearly hit you.

2. We must listen to the teacher ______ in class.

3. She is a_____ girl and does everything _______

4. You must take good_____ of your things. Put them away.

5. Take______, and wish you a gook journey home.

答案:1.careful; 2.carefully; 3.careful/ carefully; 4.care; 5.care

注释:careful“仔细的,小心的”,是形容词,可用在名词前做定语也可用在be动词后做表语;carefully“仔细地,小心地”,是副词,用在动词后修饰该动词;care“照顾,照料;小心”,此处用作名词,care 做动词时是“关心,在意”的意思,句4中“take care of”是固定搭配,“照顾,照料(某人/某物)”;“take care”是动词短语,“小心,当心”。


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