






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2015-12-2 13:18| 查看数: 714| 评论数: 1|

PARIS — There was a pair of shoes from Pope Francis and sneakers from the United Nations secretary general, Ban-Ki Moon. Most were from ordinary citizens, like Gloria Montenegro, a 65-year-old Parisian, who left two pairs.

巴黎——有一双教皇方济各(Pope Francis)穿过的鞋,还有一双联合国秘书长潘基文(Ban-Ki Moon)的运动鞋。不过大部分鞋都来自普通人,比如65岁的巴黎人格洛丽亚•蒙特内格罗(Gloria Montenegro)。她留下了两双鞋。

All together, 11,000 pairs of shoes were on display in the Place de la République on Sunday morning in a silent demonstration – in place of canceled marches and other events – of support for action against climate change.

周日上午,总共1.1万双鞋摆放在共和国广场(Place de la République)上,默默地表示支持应对气候变化的行动。该活动取代了被取消的游行和其他活动。

The installation represented “a collection of millions of steps marching toward the same direction,” Ms. Montenegro said.


But the meaning extended beyond support for the climate negotiations about to begin here on Monday and run through Dec. 11. For people like Ms. Montenegro, the shoes also represented her will to find an alternative way to be heard after the French government banned a march and other planned demonstrations in the capital in the name of security following the terrorism attacks on Nov. 13 that killed 130 people.


“The COP has changed,” Ms. Montenegro said, referring to the climate change conference. “It starts with an atmosphere that is not the atmosphere of freedom we usually find in Paris.”


The “Marching Shoes” installation was meant to show the commitment of French people on climate issues, said Emma Ruby-Sachs, deputy director of Avaaz, a global organizing moment that began the shoe collection.

发起这场鞋子收集活动的全球性组织机构Avaaz的负责人埃玛•鲁比-萨赫斯(Emma Ruby-Sachs)表示,名为《游行的鞋子》(Marching Shoes)的这件作品意在表现法国民众在气候问题上的坚定。

The pairs, laid out side by side, were displayed near the 31-foot bronze statue of Marianne, the central monument of the square where flowers, candles and messages have been left in tribute to the victims of the attacks.


Some of the pairs were decorated with flowers, and others wore messages such as “Stop to ecocide” and, “If we have to fight for something, let’s fight for climate.”


Mr. Ban sent a message, too. “As the world gathers in Paris to stand up for climate action, let us also stand in the shoes of all the victims of terrorism, war and persecution,” he wrote on a piece of paper displayed next to his shoes.


The installation was one of several demonstrations organized worldwide after the French minister of foreign affairs, of Laurent Fabius, announced on Nov. 18 that the Climate March would be canceled.

这次展览是法国外长洛朗•法比尤斯(Laurent Fabius)11月18日宣布取消气候大游行后,在全世界范围内组织的几场展示活动之一。

CoalitionClimat21, a group of 130 nongovernmental organizations, started March4Me, a platform that allowed Parisians to connect with people abroad so they could march in their stead. Marches took place on Sunday in places like Berlin, London and Melbourne, Australia.


In Paris, Françoise Ploquin said shoes represented an appropriate symbol of sustainable development. “People should walk more, take the car less,“ Ms. Ploquin said. “We’d stop the global warming much more quickly and efficiently.”

在巴黎,弗朗索瓦丝•普洛坎(Françoise Ploquin)表示,鞋恰如其分地象征着可持续发展。“人们应该多走路,少开车,”普洛坎说。“这样我们就会更快、更有效地阻止全球变暖。”

The shoes were removed at noon, shortly before skirmishes broke out in the square between pockets of demonstrators and the police.



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