






发布者: timeisflying | 发布时间: 2015-12-12 16:09| 查看数: 793| 评论数: 1|

Ken Eckert:

I have a doctorate and by any standards before this century am lucky enough to be very well-educated.


Then when I go home I feel foolish when I go for a walk with my father. He knows what kind of bird that is; what it eats; how it will sound. He knows those trees, how they grow, what kind of fruit or leaves they will make. He knows what will grow in that soil. He knows those clouds and what weather it will bring. He knows if you tap a wall with a hammer the pitch will be lower when you hit a 2x4 support.


I just don't have that level of "natural intelligence" about my surroundings. Nevertheless, when I talk to my students I feel like I am Daniel bloody Boone. These are skills requiring you to spend time outdoors with real birds and not angry ones on a tiny screen.


[Followup. I had no idea this post would be so heavily voted. Thank you all for the comments. I used the term 'natural intelligence' poetically, but it probably wasn't the best choice as it implies that these skills cannot be learned. They of course can be, just as I learned to fix a flat; the point is that fewer want to. There are also certainly skills young people now attain that were unusual before (for example, few of my teenage friends could type); but the question did not ask this. And good catch: the 2x4 stud has a higher pitch. Ken :> ]

补充:我之前不知道这一条会有这么多人投票(4.6K)。感谢你们所有人的评论。我用的'natural intelligence'一词也许在这里并不恰当,因为它暗示着人们无法习得这些技能。人们当然能学会这些,就像我学会了补胎一样;重点在于很少有人想学。现在的年轻人也会一些特别的技能(比如我十几岁时认识的朋友很少有人会打字);不过这些与此问题无关。

Elizabeth Greene:

I was born in 1976.


My great great grandfather would bemoan my inability to chop down a tree.


My great grandfather would have laughed at my fumbling attempts at hitching and riding a horse.


My grandfather could build a fire in a fireplace with one match, invaded Europe, and could repair a failed tube television using parts from a drugstore. I would struggle with each.


My father successfully taught me how to adjust a points ignition system but failed to pass on the arcane incantations required for carburetor troubleshooting.


In my generation I see a legion of people with little or no comprehension of the boxes that make their life possible. "It's broken"; I need another." is the cry. The idea of replacing a single part to make it whole again is foreign, killed stone dead by a tide of planned obsolescence and "No user serviceable parts inside."


In my children I see less organized thought and less reliance on memory. Those tasks are outsourced to search engines, inference engines, and gadgets in the same way that walking led to horses and led to cars.


As my ancestors have, so will I. I will sigh at their loss of skills. I would like to give them the gift of mental arithmetic, reading and following a map, memorizing phone numbers and addresses, and the skill of composing a brief essay on a whim. Those things are important to me. To my children they are not.


They are adapting to their world in the same way I adapted to mine. The skills I need to succeed are different from their needs. I wish them well in what they study, and I hope to be here when they sigh at their children's follies.



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