






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2015-12-18 08:51| 查看数: 738| 评论数: 1|

A popular online extreme travel show has been banned in China after a run-in with Isis in a case of war tourism gone badly wrong.


The Lu Xing — “On the Road” — show stars Zhang Xinyu, a tofu machine mogul and Liang Hong, his patient wife, who quit the rat race to tour world hotspots, camera crew in tow, since 2013.

这档名为《侣行》(On the Road)的真人秀节目,由商人张昕宇和他耐心的妻子梁红自2013年起带着摄制组奔赴世界热点地区拍摄制作。张昕宇靠贩卖即食豆腐机起家,梁红退出职场和丈夫一起旅行。

From wandering the arms bazaars of Mogadishu to the Buddhas of Bamiyan, the show tapped into a new wanderlust among Chinese professionals, picked high viewing numbers on Youku Tudou, China’s version of YouTube, and a sponsorship by Mercedes.

从流连于摩加迪沙(Mogadishu)的武器集贸市场到巴米扬大佛(Buddhas of Bamiyan),该节目利用了中国职业人群一波新的旅游热,在中国版的YouTube——优酷土豆视频网络播出,观众人数较高,并得到梅赛德斯(Mercedes)赞助。

But last month the couple appear to have pushed their luck too far. During a visit to Kurdish fighters in northern Iraq they flew a camera-equipped drone over Isis military positions in neighbouring Syria and claimed on camera that the footage was used to identify jihadist targets.


Mr Zhang also said the Kurdish YPG fighters gave the footage to the French air force for three bombing raids. The French embassy in Beijing declined to comment on the claims, as did a representative for the Kurdish YPG militia in Germany.


After the episodes depicting the drone reconnaissance were aired last month, the show was suspended and the couple returned to China. The homepage of the show has been removed by host Youku Tudou, and none of the final four episodes, which deal with IS, has been viewable on the Chinese internet. Social media postings and search terms about these episodes have been blocked, a sure sign of China’s “great firewall” at work.


Youku Tudou declined to comment on why the popular show was abruptly halted.


In their last post on Weibo, China’s version of Twitter, on December 3, the couple said: “We are all well, recently the show has been suspended, there are a lot of theories out there. Thank you for your concern, don’t worry about us! If all goes smoothly, the show will make a comeback soon!”


Beijing does not disclose its reasons for censoring online content but two people familiar with the matter said the show was suspended amid fears of a backlash by Isis, which killed its first Chinese hostage on November 19.


The two most provocative episodes appear to have been aired on November 4 and 11, before Fan Jinghui was executed, according to the weekly broadcast schedule, though as they have been removed the air date could not be confirmed.


The November 4 episode, viewable on US-based YouTube, showed Mr Zhang and Ms Liang giving Kurdish fighters body armour, helping them load a machine gun and piloting the drone. The November 11 episode showed Mr Zhang telling the camera: “The Kurds turned in the footage from our drones over to the French, and the French military made three air strikes using the material from our footage near the Kurdish frontline. It had a great effect. This is quite consoling for us.”


Military experts interviewed questioned the claim, saying French forces have drones of their own, though it is possible the footage was shared with the French along with other intelligence about Isis positions.



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