






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2015-12-29 08:37| 查看数: 740| 评论数: 0|

When the headlines are dominated by heart-rending events such as refugee crises and terrifying ones like mass shootings, it can be difficult to carry on the holiday tradition of giving thanks. It becomes easier, though, when we get past the immediacy of the news and examine some important trends in the world.


We recently learnt, for example, that global greenhouse gas emissions are likely to decrease in 2015, thanks in large part to a slowdown in Chinese growth and to faster-than-expected progress with clean technologies such as wind and solar. This downturn might be reversed in coming years, especially if India and other developing countries continue to grow along their current high emissions trajectory, but it’s still good news. As I wrote here before, it’s part of a wonderful trend visible across many environmental indicators. In important ways, we are learning to tread more lightly on our planet.


We are also lifting more people more quickly out of dire poverty than ever before. Careful evidence compiled by Max Roser as part of his invaluable Our World in Dataproject shows that even as the world’s population has increased greatly over the past 25 years, the total number of people living in extreme poverty has plummeted. This autumn, the World Bank reported that less than 10 per cent of the world’s population now live on less than $1.90 a day (as measured in 2011 dollars, adjusted for purchasing power parity). In 1990, the equivalent figure was more than 35 per cent.

我们也在以空前快的速度让更多人脱离赤贫。马克斯•罗泽(Max Roser)在他极具价值的项目“Our World in Data”中汇编的翔实数据显示,过去25年里,即使世界人口大幅增加,但赤贫人口总数直线下降。今年秋天,世界银行(World Bank)称,如今世界不到10%的人口每天的生活费低于1.90美元(按2011年美元币值计算,经过了购买力平价调整)。1990年,这个比例高于35%。

How was this unprecedented increase in prosperity accomplished? You’d be hard pressed, I think, to attribute it to anything except some combination of better government, smarter interventions, increasing globalisation and technological progress. Everyone has their thoughts about the relative importance of these four factors. My own view is that the last two — trade and technology — should get most of the credit. And technology helps not only by facilitating trade, but also by directly improving people’s ability to earn a living and manage their finances.


My favourite demonstration of how simple new technology helps people earn more, even before smartphones and apps show up, is a study the economist Robert Jensen conducted between 1997 and 2001, when the region of Kerala, India, got mobile phone coverage for the first time. Mr Jensen studied how the region’s fishermen used the new communication technology, and how their economic lives changed as a result.

对于简单的新技术如何帮助人们提高收入——甚至在智能手机和应用(app)问世之前——我最喜欢的例子是经济学家罗伯特•詹森(Robert Jensen)在1997年至2001年之间进行的一项研究,那时印度喀拉拉邦(Kerala)首次开通了手机网络。詹森的研究展示了该地区的渔民如何利用这一新的通信技术,以及他们的经济状况由此发生了何种变化。

His findings were clear: “The adoption of mobile phones by fishermen and wholesalers was associated with a dramatic reduction in price dispersion, the complete elimination of waste, and near-perfect adherence to the Law of One Price. Both consumer and producer welfare increased.” In short, things got a lot better, and they did so quickly. Mr Jensen’s work reveals that time after time the benefits appeared right after the phones did. It’s one of the clearest demonstrations of cause and effect I’ve seen in the social sciences.


Once the world’s poorest finally have a bit of money, new technologies are helping them save it and put it to use. The World Bank reports that in 2014 62 per cent of the world’s adults had some kind of financial account. As recently as 2011, that figure was barely over 50 per cent. And the nature of these accounts is changing rapidly. In Sub-Saharan Africa 64m adults have mobile electronic money, and 45 per cent of them have nothing else — no traditional banking account. Across the developing world more than 65 per cent of those within a financial network use it often, depositing money and making or receiving payments at least three times a month.


There is a great deal still to be done for financial inclusion. The gender gap remains large, and billions of adults are still outside any formal system. But the recent trends make me very optimistic. They convince me that we will continue to make rapid progress, and that the world’s poorest will see their prospects improve like never before in history.


Let’s be thankful for that.



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