






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2016-1-12 16:01| 查看数: 1614| 评论数: 1|

It’s time to look back at 2015. For the world, it was a bittersweet year filled with news regarding refugees, climate change, terrorism, trade and nuclear non-proliferation. Based on the top news from outlets including the AP, 21st Century picked the following top 5 issues that mattered to the world in 2015.


Refugee crisis


The world witnessed the worst refugee crisis since World War II. More than 1 million migrants and refugees have fled to Europe this year –sometimes with tragic consequences.


Most of them are fleeing Syria’s civil war. Hundreds are believed to have drowned. In August, 71 were found dead in an abandoned truck in Austria. The flood of refugees has increased popular support for many of Europe’s nationalist and anti-immigrant parties.


Islamic State


The Islamic State (IS) terrorist group evolved from an al-Qaida franchise into a self-proclaimed state. This past year, it has become one of the world’s most dangerous threats.


Its most high-profile attack was in Paris, where terrorists killed 130 people on Nov 15. But IS’ terror campaign goes beyond any single event. Islamic State suicide bombers struck two cities in Turkey and one in Lebanon earlier this year. IS also bombed a Russian passenger plane over the Sinai peninsula.


These attacks prompted countries including the US, France, the UK, Russia and Germany to take more aggressive actions against IS, mainly through air strikes.


The Trans-Pacific Partnership


The biggest trade deal in decades was signed on Oct 5 in the US after five years of tense negotiations. The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) cuts trade tariffs and sets common standards for labor markets and environmental protection for 12 Pacific rim countries, including the US, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Singapore. The 12 countries are responsible for 40 percent of world trade.


According to a Wall Street Journal article, Japan views the agreement as key to its economic and security goals as China expands its influence in the region. However, it will be some time before the TPP becomes effective. It still needs to be approved by legislatures in the 12 countries, and that will be an uphill battle in the US congress.


Iran nuclear agreement


Conducted off and on since 2002, nuclear negotiations with Iran finally resulted in a deal that officially went into effect on Oct 18. Iran is expected to destroy the core of its existing uranium enrichment facilities and nuclear reactors. Its enriched uranium stockpile will be shipped out of the country.


In return, world powers including the US and the European Union have pledged to phase out sanctions against Iran. This would unfreeze about $100 billion worth of Iranian assets in foreign banks, and allow Iran to sell its oil internationally again.


All this depends on the International Atomic Energy Agency verifying that Iran has demolished its nuclear program.


If Iran completely honors its pledges, it would have a significant impact on peace in the Middle East.


Paris climate deal


For the first time in history, 195 countries promised to reduce green house emissions and to increase these reductions over time on Dec 12.


The Paris deal requires every country, both rich and poor, to take action.


The agreement aims to limit global warming to less than 2 C above pre-industrial levels.


The deal also urges wealthy countries to provide more than $100 billion (648 billion yuan) per year in financing by 2020 for poorer countries, to help them invest in clean energy and combat climate change.


However, the deal’s effectiveness will depend on whether each country enacts their pledge.



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