






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-1-21 17:59| 查看数: 1385| 评论数: 0|




ACGN refers to animation, comics, games and novels. Early ACGN was dominated by two-dimensional art, and it’s from that style that 2-D culture derives its name. The 2-D world represents an escape from day-to-day living in the three-dimensional, real world.

角色扮演 cosplay

Cosplay是costume play的缩写,顾名思义是指穿上各种角色的衣服来角色扮演,这些角色大多数来自ACGN。

Dressing up and pretending to be a fictional character (usually a sci-fi, comic book, or anime character).

B站 bilibili


On Bilibili.com, users post screen comments while watching an animated show to analyze the storyline. They also post videos of themselves cosplaying as different animated characters.

弹幕danmaku/bullet screen


Danmaku invites viewers to type in their thoughts while watching a show and simultaneously displays the comments on everyone’s video screen.

高能预警 high energy alert


This phrase derives from a 1979 Japanese cartoon, Mobile Suit Gundam (《机动战士高达》), which features a spaceship fleet that needs to be constantly warned about nuclear risks in its path. The phrase was later used for bullet screen in movies and TV series to warn audiences about intense scenes ahead.



The No 233 Gif on Niconico, a Japanese video sharing website, depicts a cartoon animal laughing so hard that it hammers the floor with its fists. It became so popular that bloggers started to use “233” to show that they find something very funny. The number of threes in the sequence is random. The more threes you type, the harder you’re laughing.



This is the abbreviation for “couple”. But instead of referring to real-life couples, “CP” was originally used to describe any two characters that are coupled together in fans’ fantasies, no matter if they are of the same gender or even enemies. The word was soon appropriated to describe the celebrity romances that fans fantasize about.

同人文 fan fiction


Fanfiction is when someone takes either the story or characters (or both) of a certain piece of work, whether it be a novel, tv show, movie, etc, and create their own story based on it. Sometimes people will take characters from one movie and put them in another, which is called a cross-over.

如果萌的CP的主角不是角色而是真人,就叫做RPF。真人同人是RPS (real person slash)

Real Person Fiction (RPF) is fan fiction where the characters are based on real people, in most cases celebrities such as actors, musicians, or sportspeople.

举个例子:福尔摩斯和华生的衍生文是fan fiction,而卷福(Benedict Cumberbatch)和潮爷(Martin Freeman)就是RPF了。

同人文分现实向和发生在平行世界(AU, Alternate Universe)中的架空文,文风可虐(angst)轻松治愈(fluff)。功底深厚的大大写出来的文神复合原著人物(IC, in character),也有一些小白文不忍直视,完全人物性格走形(OCC, out of character)

腐女fujoshi /rotten girl

二次元爱好者中腐女占据着大片江山,一如腐门深似海,从此节操是路人。她们有一双善于发现基情(bromance)的眼睛,脑洞(headcanon)大过天。卖腐可以说queer-baiting。腐女也是极度花痴脑残粉(fangirl/fanboy)的一种,铁杆粉可以说diehard fanhardcore fan,脑残粉中通常会疯狂收集关于(honmei)的相关周边,比如手办(figure)

Fujoshi refers to women who get aroused by imagining two (or more) cute guys loving each other. Fujoshi herself is not included in the imagination, usually those cute guys are not gay, and the situation is absolutely impossible.

萌 moe/ kawaii/cute


Moe is a Japanese slang word, and loanword that refers to feelings of strong affection mainly towards characters in anime, manga, and video games. Moe however, has also gained usage to refer to feelings of affection towards any subject.

其他形容人属性的二次元词汇还有:腹黑可以说charmingly devious,指那些表面和善,内心住着小魔鬼的人,但是并不一定指奸险狡诈,腹黑也是一种萌~形容人可以说indoorsy宅男,宅女可以说homebody, shut-in傲娇tsundere形容人毒舌可以用sharp tongue


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